Category Archives: Nyheter

#8 Ten of the best: Richard Klarby VW Golf R

Most of the builds on our SUPERIOR SELECTED ”Ten of the best” list have one thing in common: Build quality, and that they all seem planned out.

Richard Klarby is already considered to be one of Swedens best car painters. His work on Cim Nilssons Toyota Supra in matte orange was a big crowd pleaser last year. So now he decided to trumf it with his VW Golf R:

This Ferrari silver painted beauty rests comfortable on Rotiform wheels and just gives you that feeling that time stands still when you observe the car, trying to find something which is not done to perfection.

Our two SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHERS fancy work with the extra flashes comes at a climax here, capturing the shade of the paint to a 100%:

Rumors have it that Richard has now sold his business, but we can’t expect such a talented guy to stand in one place for too long. This Golf has been rebuilt several times, so maybe its time for  a change and new project.

We can only hope, as quality builds like these are exactly why we created SUPERIOR SELECTED and guys like RANI GILIANA and MARTIN PERSSON shoots these cars.

Hit us up at OUR FACEBOOK or comment below for some feedback, don’t forget to share our continuously updated ELMIA 2012 LINK! (CLICK!).

Superior Selected presents: The ”Ten of the best” concept – by &

We have the pleasure of giving our international readers a feature series we call ”Ten of the best” that literally means; selecting and shooting the ten best cars of CUSTOM AND PERFORMANCE MOTORSHOW 2012!

For this occasion, we have let our lead photographer and aspiring guru Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Persson do a little tag team with one of the most promising guys in the SUPERIOR SELECTED group- none other then Rani ”RANISFOTO.SE” Giliana!

These pictures have our foremost effort to them, and with every countdown and car we have selected- the amount of high quality pictures increase.

The tandem aims to present a few cars each day, the above being the first two at #10 and #9, with the ”Superior choice” winner of the expo presented on monday afternoon!

Make sure to visit both guys Facebook pages and show your support for their talents, ”Like” BILBILDER.SE and RANI AUTOMOTIVE PHOTOGRAPHY!

Video: Vi introducerar Superior-TV och våran monter på Elmia 2012!

Nu har vi blivit varma i kläderna här på BILSPORT PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOM MOTORSHOW 2012 efter att ha kämpat med att få upp en monter och få ett arbetsflöde i allting.

Vi vill passa på att tacka BILSPORT som stöttat oss rejält inför detta år, och nu på plats varit guld värda när det varit småkriser kring uppstarten.

Våran monter i år är en liten vidareutveckling av förra årets satsning, men vi hoppas kvaliten i median är mycket högre. Hoppas introt och en kort genomgång av vår egna monter smakar:


Intro: Superior TV @ Bilsport Custom & Performance Show 2012 from Superior Media on Vimeo.

Otroligt trevligt med en större och rymligare monter, och att stora profiler som Alx Danielsson vill synas tillsammans med oss.

Hoppas verkligen ni FÖLJER VÅR FACEBOOK där mer ”smått och gott” hela tiden letar sig ut.

Kör hårt!

30in30 – #14: We bring racing driver Alx Danielsson to the show!

”When I grow up, I want to be a racing driver!”

For those of us who did not make it, and only look at the selected few who got the talent and nerves to race at the highest level as strange creatures that eat/sleep/breathe driving…

Well its time to show you they are just like you and me = they love cars!

For this coming season of Superior-TV which will have many news and experiments presented; we decided to bring along someone we consider has the brains, brawn and a hell of a nice guy total package in Alex ”Alx” Danielsson.

The guy has done it all in racing, and we encourage you to read his different achievements at his WIKIPEDIA PROFILE.

Again, reflecting on how we ”mortal drivers” look on things; I can only explain that Alx needed just one warm-up lap with an extra passenger in our own Time Attack car to utterly smash our previous lap record.

The car has not gone as fast ever again since then, despite numerous upgrades being done to it since then…

Alx will be with us on friday the 6th all throughout the day to be one of the co-hosts of the whole Superior-TV spectacle covering the CUSTOM AND MOTORSHOW EXPO.

We will also present many many news where some mean an expansion in our alliance.

But we’ll keep it secret for a little while longer and let you enjoy this small highlight reel of Mr. Danielsson:

v2 from Mattias Stahre on Vimeo.

Not many people in the past two decades have ever been so close to a Forumula one seat as Alx, and its really an honor for us to share a common interest in grassroots motorsports such as Drifting and Time Attack.

[nggallery id=417]

Much more to come as Alx involvement is as much a ”behind the scenes” dynamic partner as on-screen persona for Superior-TV.

Just wait until the expo, only 9 days to go…!

30in30 – #12: Pierre och Micke återvänder —> Klipp från 2011 (Patrik Ljungs ”Volvette”)

En sak vi kan gå ut med som inte kommer som någon överraskning, är att SIR PIERRE och Micke_J återvänder som värdar för ”Superior-TV” som vi körde förra årets mässa. Vi tänkte släppa ett litet klipp från förra året på Patrik Ljungs Volvo V70 ”Volvette”: Detta visar vilken torr och segdragen humor ni har att se fram emot. Men vi lovar att även använda våra mer pålästa sidor när vi redovisar vissa byggen. 😉 Allt faller inte alla i smaken, men vi hoppas Superior-TV ändå bidrar med en liten inblick i det breda utbud som finns på BILSPORT PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOM SHOW 2012! Beskrivning: På alla möjliga bilevent vi bilentusiaster är på så lurar polisen runt hörnet. Under Elmia förra året så nöjde dom inte sej med det, utan befann sig även mitt i smeten inne på mässan?! Försöker dom ”smälta in” med oss? Var det ett sätt att visa att dom (tror) de är en del av oss? Eller att markera att vi inte blir av med dom oavsett vart vi vänder oss? Att Polisen finns överallt? Micke och Pierre på Superior-TV tittade närmare på Polisens egna bidrag i ett *oklippt* Superior-TV klipp med glimten i ögat.   Superior-TV: Patric Ljungs ”volvette” @ Elmia 2011 from Superior Media on Vimeo. PS. Skämt åsido tillhör bilen som

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sagt Patrik Ljung och lyder under namnet ”Volvette” = Volvo V70 med Corvette LS1 motor. Ni kan läsa mer om den på hans FACEBOOK SIDA (KLICKA!). Dessa datum är det som gäller (Kinnekulle – Rudskogen – Mantorp Park)!

Den snart lanserade Time Attack serien i Sverige går nu ut med de datum alla fans av denna nya bilsport måste boka upp sig på!

Siten kommer förhoppningsvis under veckan ( och det kommer propageras för fullt på alla forum runtom i Sverige för detta.

Vi släpper lite i smyg de datum som gäller för de tre banorna:

Precis som tidigare år när SUPRA CLUB SWEDEN arrangerat sina träffar så är det Kinnekulle Ring och Mantorp Park som vi bygger allting kring.

Nytt till i år är ett datum på Rudskogen som vi kan tacka en av seriens huvudmän för, RALPHS DÄCK.

Mycket mer är på väg ut, och vi räknar med att alla ser till att sprida den nya siten så fort den lanseras.

Vore det inte en dröm om alla som någonsin fascinerats av Time Attack äntligen fick en seriös scen att stå på här i Sverige…?

30in30 – #9: Rocket Bunny S14 ProInt driftcar coming to the expo!

More news today ahead of CUSTOM AND MOTORSHOW that is less then 20 days away from opening up. Today we reveal another car that will be a part of Superiors own Drifting Team this season, but we can’t tell you more then thats its a Nissan Silvia S14 (200SX) that is powered by a LS2 V8 engine and with a chassis very similar to Matt Poweres Formula Drift car: The car is owned by former Sierra Cosworth owner Daniel Asp, and thanks to some mutual friends he was invited as a prospect to be a potential member of the team- and it didn’t take many meetings until we clearly knew we saw things the same way! So make sure not to miss this car, as it will not only be one hell of a Drifting build, but also bring the extremely hyped Rockey Bunny bodykit to Sweden for the first time (example below): So far that means two cars have officially been revealed in our own Drifting Team. But we are just getting started! FOLLOW OUR FACEBOOK to always find

out more, not long to go until the biggest expo in Scandinavia opens up!

30in30 – #6: ”Tuning scene” nostalgia, Kooz ”Zerrari” displayed!

Todays news brings a little blast from the past that will appear on the CUSTOM AND MOTORSHOW 2012 this easter. Longtime styling-car builder Lukas Koos brings his first build, the Nissan 300ZX ”Zerrari”:

Whats so special about this ”riced out” and quite outdated ”Veilside looking” Z then?

Well, hold your hating comments for yourself when you consider that ten years ago this was all the rage and put a lot of cars on the scene to dead shame.

Iam a very good friend of Lukas and we have sponsored several of his builds that most often become a ”love/hate” kind of scenario.

And this might sound like the blog is sucking up, but iam really looking forward to seeing this car again- definately nostalgia and kudos to BILSPORT for inviting it as a part of their 50th anniversary for the expo…

I had to ask the man himself what he would like to do ”all over again” of his numerous builds, and he answered without a doubt the Fairlady Z / 350Z he did all those years ago would be on top of the list.

Wonder how it would look reloaded and brought back into the 2012th century…? 🙂

As usual we will catch up with this extremely experienced ”styling car” builder that is as humble as they come.

Feel free to post questions to ask, both provocative and flattering!


30in30 – #5: Time Attack har äntligen nått Sverige på allvar! *Superior-TV*

Dagens nyhet blir enhälligt på svenska, då vi ska presentera ett klipp från Custom and Motorshow 2011. Varför visa ett klipp från förra året som en nyhet för i år?

Jo, för det är nu som arbetet sedan detta mycket spännande möte mellan fyra stycken Time Attack entusiaster börjat generera något. Börja med att se klippet och bekanta er med dessa individer:

Superior-TV: Diskussion och första spadtaget för Time Attack racing i Sverige from Superior Media on Vimeo.

Sedan detta spelades in har Robin (Antonsson) och Carl (Winberg) fortsatt arbetet med detta, och med två starka företag med stort intresse för detta (Ralphs däck samt Superior Imports) har vi nu inom kort många tunga nyheter att lansera!

Vi uppmuntrar alla att hålla stenkoll här i Superior-bloggen och alla stora motorfordon i Sverige då hemsidan WWW.TIMEATTACK.NU kommer lanseras.

Givetvis är också en stor närvaro på årets mässa planerad, och vi kommer prata mycket om Time Attack i Superior-TV hela helgen!

30in30 – #4: Two Soarers will cruise the streets of Jönköping this easter…

Just another quick newsflash ahead of the CUSTOM AND MOTORSHOW expo that will open up the season for all car enthusiasts in Sweden.

We are bringing two Toyota Soarers to Jönköping to act as our daily drivers during the whole weekend. We can reveal one of them right away, but it will definitely not look like this anymore then:

This car was originally imported by us and sold to one hell of a nice guy named Thomas ”1JZ-Thompa” Wennerström.

Since then he refined it slightly with some nice wheels and flirts with the Hellaflush-scene a bit, not to mention killing the stock clutch with a ”boost-up” package and going drag racing with it! 😉

Pictures taken by the one and only Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Persson who shot these during JDM Face-off finals where Superior Drivers Club members got to race for free.

We can’t tell you more about the other Soarer also going to Jönköping in just a bit over 3 weeks time, but if you FOLLOW OUR FACEBOOK you might find out more…

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