Superior Media : Rasmus Möller / Team Pony Drift @ Elmia 2012 from Superior Media on Vimeo.
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Under Elmia 2012 så var det utan tvekan en sak som direkt utmärkte sej mest, störst och bäst.
oij oij´s monster.
ALLA var imponerande utav denna monter och samling bilar oavsett vad för sorts bilar man egentligen tycker om.
Och sen VILKEN samling bilar där stod med!
Nya som gamla.. Fina.. Och.. ”Oputsade”.. Där var allt.. Men en sak gemensamt.. Ingen av dom skulle klara en vägbula.
Alla på mässan snackade om detta och det snackas fortfarande om det.
Så.. Året innan så vann dom Bästa Monter utnämnt av oss..
Och jag vill gärna tro att dom blev så glada över den bemärkelsen och såg det som en morot.. För att året därefter VERKLIGEN imponera..
Enda nackdelen med denna imponerande monter är.. Att dom har satt sin egna ribba Höööögt inför Elmia 2013 😉
För er som inte var där.. Eller vill minnas tillbaka.. Eller bara njuta av vackra bilar.
Här är vår Feature på oijoij´s Monter ELmia 2012
Elmia 2012 – oijoij´s Monter from Superior Media on Vimeo.
Missa inte heller vår intervju med monters dragplåster(?) eller ja.. Eisenhut, Ägaren till denna numera välkända Honda som vi har uppmärksammat mycket genom åren.
Superior TV: Välkommen STANCE!! from Superior Media on Vimeo.
Yeah yeah det må vara ett gammalt klipp.. Men en AE86 blir aldrig gammal.. Och nu värmer vi upp inför Elmia 2013!
Håkan Skyracer´s Toyota Corolla from Superior Media on Vimeo.
Corolla eller AE86?
Japans Volvo 240?
Sushi eller Tofu?
Vad är Tofu?
Är farsan en alkis eller inte?
Den tecknade serien eller filmen?
Vad svarar ni?
Läs mitt gamla inlägg om denna JDM-Klassiker här-
En av Sveriges utan tvekan topp-driftare är Daniel ”Limmet DrifTeam” Liimatainen som denna säsong siktar mot ännu högre höjder med sitt nya BMW 1-serie bygge.
För att vara en extremt ung sport i Sverige, så skapade sig han otroligt många fans på kort tid när de smiskade en BMW E30 med kompressormatad M5 E39 V8.
Samma motor hamnar även i nya projektet, och det har alla förutsättningar att bli ”bilen att slå” denna säsong 2012.
I denna intervju tar allt från Daniels egna bakgrund och hur han snubblade in i driftingen, samt målsättnignar för denna säsong- blandat med kul inslag om att:
*Idén till nya projektet som föddes en seeen midsommardag.
*Hur han alltid sneglat mot Japs trots att han är en stor BMW-profil.
*Hur jakten på sponsorer äntligen blivit lättare.
Ni kan följa Limmet DrifTeam på Facebook ( och gillar ni denna typ av media från oss får ni mer än gärna besöka våran egna FB-sida också!
A pleasant surprise is coming as RANI GILIANA gives us one more SUPERIOR SELECTED gallery from BILSPORT PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOM (or in commoners own words ”ELMIA 2012”).
Swedish premier track/raceway MANTORP PARK had a really sharp display this year, throwing a bit of everything into the mix to show people they were down; but now are far from out.
Because if you didn’t know yet, our countries most recognized and always ”first that comes to mind” when it comes to either dragracing, track days and festivals- went bankrupt this winter.
It quickly found new owners in publishing company FABAS that among many magazines publish the biggest automotive enthusiast magazine called BILSPORT.
This is on paper a perfect fit, since many of the big events like Gatebil Sweden, Action Meet and more have been organized by said organization for many years.
It was only logical then, and we hope they will bring new life not just to the track itself; but give the whole scene a vital injection…
Judging by the cars they had handpicked for their stall, they have the right feeling on whats hot right now. Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson and his Kermit green S15 2JZ-GTE drift car was a bit early from its livery of the season.
So we give you the pleasure of his recently released promo-video to show you how it looks right now, the man with the manly mustache will surely head into the season as someone that can snatch a Top 5 finish in any event he participates in…
Two really sharp E30 BMW’s also proudly took a lot of space in the stall, where one of them belongs to a very likable guy named Rickard Ivars.
His builds on various ”Bimmer-chassises” have always resulted in the same thing; dreadfully fast in the 1/4mile!
This might have the look of an ordinary tuned car, but under there lurks 1020 RWHP ready to thunder down the quarter mile in under 9 seconds…!
Rouding things off was this amazing US-build, with a properly sized Supercharger not too violently hidden…
Hats off to the organizers, and RANI (CLICK FOR HIS FB FANPAGE!) did an awesome job shooting it.
We have been more then pleased with what we’ve produced from ELMIA 2012 EXPO in the photography aspect of covering it. Wouldn’t mind feedback from our readers about what you think?
[nggallery id=430]We are doing some big changes in the near time here at Superior, so we hope you keep an eye out on OUR FACEBOOK for ”small nuggets” being released and hints of whats to come as well.
Sadly, we might be in for some sacrifices to make; but always for the great good. Hope for your continued support and enthusiasm!
Nu tar vi ett snack med en av våra mest långvariga vänner i branschen.
Ända sedan hans fantastiska Mazda RX-7 bygge ”Zlayer” gjorde på ett objekt levererat av Gzon; så har proffset inom svenska styling-scenen Lukas Koos haft vårat stöd.
På BILSPORT PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOM MOTORSHOW 2012 kom han med ett ”nytt” bygge, eller närmare sagt en total ”make-over” av hans Nissan 350Z ”Zuperior”- som numera lägger till ”Reloaded” i sitt artistnamn!
Det är alltid kul att prata med Lukas, då han väldigt sällan stelnar till framför kameran och går in ett ”bästa artiga svar” läge så fort det är en kamera som filmar.
Han är sig själv i alla lägen helt enkelt!
Värt att understryka ett par punkter som nämns i videon, att det är en fruktansvärt ödmjuk kille med grym självdistans- trots att många med betydligt mindre framgångar på styling-scenen lider av hybris:
Däremot är språket i de otaliga extrema bilar han slutfört något som… gärna tar för sig av ögonen, och därför fått två läger i om man älskar/hatar dom.
Klart är däremot att en bilbyggare som lagt ner över 5000 timmar utan lön, sponsorers vara eller icke vara; skall ha respekt av andra entusiaster.
(Därmed ännu en gång osagt om man gillar stilen eller ej, vilket vi gärna ser er diskutera genom att kommentera nedan eller på VÅRAN FACEBOOK!) 😉
Today we bring you more in the aftermath of the ELMIA 2012 EXPO which we are far from done with.
We at Superior are proud to say that quality over quantity is something we are able to live up to on many occasions, and this some Stance/Lifestyle community OIJ OIJ SOCIETY truly made our job easy to maintain that principle.
They had two head and shoulders above the best stand (ever?) at the expo, and can be very proud of themselves for the result.
Something worth to also credit, is that the organizers of the expo = BILSPORT MAGAZINE finally gave a growing trend a shot at glory and look what happened:
We hope this is a breakthrough, and they will continue to hand out confidence in creative & driven groups to create stand-out things like these on Scandinavias by far biggest and most historic auto expo!
Therefor, instead of leading you by clichés and explaining things that are obvious looking at the pics- we simple present you the gallery and let you enjoy it:
[nggallery id=426]If you think this is what we should devote our energy from, and you also feel the pics by RANI GILIANA AUTOMOTIVE PHOTOGRAPHY excels- don’t be shy to comment below about it!
Also support OUR FACEBOOK where we often drop teasers for our SUPERIOR SELECTED galleries. Thanks!
When a guy has over 30 car builds in his trunk, ranging from every kind of car culture possible- you know something epic will happen more often then not every time a new project is started by that very same person.
Our own co-host SIR_PIERRE can tell after many years admiring; and pondering to buy some of Roland ”DubRolle” Zetterström builds the past couple of years- that he is the real deal.
Anyway, this year he did so well that he is without further ado, our Superior choice of ELMIA 2012 EXPO with this ”bastard” Toyota KE70:
Its hard to know where to start trying to describe this old school beast that is more stuffed with different trends then you can probably count. The easiest way to brand it is… fun!
”DubRolle” said plenty of memorable things when we interviewed him about it, and on top of the list a quote like ”I was hoping to build more of it in carbon/kevlar, so it would be easy for tire explosions that ripped through the bodywork”. And the big bits of this precious (and very strong) material is definitely a good starting point to talk about:
Its something thats usually found on hardcore race cars, and the same can be said about the 36 metres of material roll cage that ”Rolle” has custom built = its not built to just shock and impress fanboys– its built to be used as well:
We were already from our first meeting trying to persuade him to hit up either a TIME ATTACK EVENT or possible one of the Swedish drift meets to prove his point. And I don’t think he was kidding when he said he would definitely do it.
One of the keys for it to finally run properly and without being scared of wrecking it; was the engine. Which also deserves a bit of extra attention as its not what you’d expect from such a hardcore JDM build:
”Is it a 1JZ-GTE?” or maybe something cool and odd like a turbo converted old AE90 engine to keep things strictly JDM… But you will be disappointed if you are a purist.
In fact, its one of the most common engines you can find on Swedish road, a 5 cylinder Turbo from a Volvo V70R!
Its been a bit modified with a larger turbine, better camshaft and general ”boost up” modifications. But talks are leading towards a more serious 450HP engine build which most skilled Swedes can do in their sleep with this trusted platform…
If you are not obsessed with these details, you will forgive the ”non-JDM” engine and look closer at everything else that will make even the most diehard fundamentalist twitch. Such as the front lights, exclusive for the Japanese Domestic Market.
Rolle kept his crosshair to the far east, and even incorporated some mainstream yet still not entirely cleared significant details such as the ”Idlers” markings on the tires:
They truly earn their place as the founding father of Rauh Welt, ”Nakai-San” would probably gladly accept ”Rolle” into the club circuit freaks in his clientele are a part of (Idlers).
The Compomotive wheels also do their best testing the eye of the beholder if they are old and plain or just fit the build perfectly.
To sum this up and end things with a bit of a motivation to why this ”Cocktail of car culture” freak of a build caught our eye and also persuaded our photographers RANI GILIANA and MARTIN PERSSON– I think all you need to do is re-read the text and understand there is (once again) not an advance reason.
We just… like our stuff mixed! Like people using their imagination, well beyond the ”set rules” some far more boring car builders waste yours and our time with!
[nggallery id=425]A huge congratulations to Roland ”DubRolle” Zetterström for such an impressive build, and a highly fitted choice as a genuine car builder + enthusiast that can take the title Christoffer Geiros Audi A4 took last year with pride.
You are more then welcome to see the REST OF THE LIST HERE and give us your feedback on how you liked our picks on OUR FACEBOOK. Thanks again for sharing our work if you really enjoy it!
To visit the BILSPORT PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOM MOTOR SHOW means you will get a sample of every possible dish out there within automotive culture. ELMIA 2012 was no exception, and we’ve had some big surprises on our TEN OF THE BEST list thats reaching its end quickly now.
Today we bring you another BIG slice of ”different” and our two SUPERIOR SELECTED photographers RANI GILIANA and MARTIN PERSSON fell head over heels over this one:
This is ”The Juxtapod” and is as much a piece of art as it is a Hot Rod build. In fact, when you browse through the creators HOMEPAGE (CLICK!) you get a feeling its more of the first then latter.
Besides a color that literally sucks you into watching it like the beautiful White Queen from Alice in Wonderland does; it also presents the unique (?) combination of handmade crystal to car building:
I think the definition of artwork and machine is once again more defined towards the first, as it would hurt my aesthetic heart to ever see the engine started up and let these crystal velocity stacks get dirty.
Besides the use of that we also see warm tones of wood coming back reccuringly, everything done at almost ridiculous finish:
We have to be honest and confess Hot Rods as this one is way out of our comfort zone, but our research tells us this is a beautiful bastard of different decades in automotive- with a bit heavier influence from the 60’s.
The chassis itself would be fair to say is a Ford Model AA 1928, and the thing that (was supposed) runs this is a Chevy 348 engine and 350 Gearbox.
Mattias LeBeef Andersson as the builder is exotically named, has together with Ludvif Löfgren built something truly unique; that no cliché can honestly explain.
For the first time in this TEN OF THE BEST series I feel we don’t have enough pictures to do The Juxtapod justice. But hopefully you will FOLLOW THEIR BLOG to get to know it more…
[nggallery id=424]Tomorrow its time to pick our SUPERIOR CHOICE from the ELMIA 2012 EXPO, and if you have been following THE LIST you know its bound to be something very exciting.
Hit us up at OUR FACEBOOK where we will release some teasing shots of the top ranked build from the expo. You won’t regret it!
First things first. We are reaching the end of our TEN OF THE BEST list from the BILSPORT ELMIA 2012 EXPO, and we need to thank the two guys who have provided all the cutting edge pics for the series once again.
How to do that you ask? Well, just venture into RANI GILIANAS and MARTIN ”BILBILDER.SE” PERSSONS own Facebook pages and just click ”Like”.
Simple enough ey?
Whats not as simple to give a thorough review, is Albin Asks Honda S2000. But here we go to try and give it some justice in a few pictures and text:
This car was standing with the guys representing CLUB-JDM SWEDEN in the A-hall, and I feel embarrassed to admit I only gave it a few quick looks while rushing to the bathroom nearby a few times at the beginning of the weekend.
Fortunately though, both Rani and Martin catched it very early, and had plenty of time to shoot these a tad bit mysterious but delicious pics to let me know I had to take a closer look:
During the round-up of all the awesome cars we’ve had, this car went from a sleeper on the list; to crashing into the Top 3 in the end- much to the merit of how photogenic it was.
You can’t deny that even if you are not a big fan of chocolate brown metallic paint its still one hell of a grateful color to photograph!
Something that also makes it stand out once you admire these pics, is the bodywork. Albin explained during an interview (will be posted later tonight) that when he got the car, it looked like ”the fenders had gotten widened using a steel pipe” or something.
Now, after he went through them personally and added custom over fenders, its a whole different story:
Combining that with flawless and perfect stance on those wheels, we got ourselves the winner that deserves to be placed this high on this list.
But there is more. Authentic JDM-parts tend to give you a certain swagger that no replica parts can do:
The Powerhouse Amuse front bumper is one thing, hiding that big Intercooler quite casually; because this car is not afraid to admit its boosted.
Under the bonnet we find a full turbo-conversion with a Garrett 30/71R turbine that is capable of feeding air well above 400+HP!
Albin told us that soon after the expo, the mapping will be done and it will definitely have more then enough power to embarrass most cars not only in style- but in performance as well.
(I know those seats have most of you already hooked!)
As mentioned, we have an interview by SIR_PIERRE with Albin Ask coming later tonight. Check out OUR FACEBOOK not to miss that!
[nggallery id=423]We would like to thank everybody who has shown appreciation for the TEN OF THE BEST series from ELMIA 2012.
The runner-up and ”Superior choice” of the entire expo will be up soon, we are thrilled to finally show you who we picked…!