Author Archives: Micke_J

Superior Media inleder samarbete med Land Racing- premiär i Mars!

Inte alltför långt fram kommer vinterns hetaste (enda?) motorevent gå av stapel på Orsa Speedway när LANDRACING.SE anordnar SPEEDWEEKEND ON ICE 2012. Vi på Superior är stolta över att med våra mediatjänster framförallt backa upp detta extremt drivande gäng som har många bollar

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i luften när det gäller motorsport på gräsrotsnivå i Sverige. Vi hoppas samtidigt väva in våran ”kultur” av bilhobbyn i deras arrangemang, och knyter givetvis också till oss en partner som ger hela ”familjen” som har med Superiors varumärke att göra ett ännu större utbud av kvalitativa events vi alla kan vara med på! Redan i början av vintern satte vi oss ner för att se hur vi kunde hjälpa varandra, och under SPEEDWEEKEND ON ICE som går av stapeln 9 – 11 Mars kommer vi få se de första proven av detta. Förutom att på våran sedvanliga bevakning av eventet och sprida budskapet med hjälp av blogg/sociala medier; kommer de som anmält sig få unika tillfällen att få hjälp med högkvalitativ media av deras deltagande. Vi kommer ha en stor styrka på plats som tillsammans med Quantic Productions som även han faller in som en ny partner grejar att detta event kommer förevigas på många olika sätt: Mycket mer nyheter kommer inom kort, ni som redan anmält er till detta unika motorevent som utspelar sig 100% på is och som redan lockat till sig en enorm mängd uppmärksamhet; ni kan förvänta er att vi kommer gå ut med våra erbjudanden snart. Ta så länge en titt på våra produktioner PÅ VÅRAN VIMEO från 2010 och framåt så ni vet vad ni har att förvänta er! Superior Media – Gatebil Festival @ Mantorp Park 2011 from Superior Media on Vimeo. Stort tack till Joakim ”G-son” Gustafsson som inledde dialogen med oss, och till ”Bossen” Glen Ocklund som verkligen övertygat oss om att LANDRACING är helrätt partner att prova bryta ny mark inom media för bilentusiaster med. (Alla ni som vill vara med och om du är en del i Superior-familjen så kan du KONTAKTA OSS med frågor!)

SUMMARY 2011: Part II of JalleGraphics best work of the past year!

Its been a different kind of ”busy as hell” ever since we struck 2012, but now its time for some unfinished business where the core of the team get their honorable mention.

The SUMMARY 2011 (CLICK!) shows what each SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHER had as their favorite moments/pics, and a few personal blogging at that.

Today we are closing the year for Hjalmar Van Hoek who himself has a lot of new things to think about in the coming future. Just after the new year he got the great news that he is to become a father; and we congratulate and wish him the best with that. A big part of life indeed!

But for now we’ll show you his of selected work and let you enjoy the pictures as much as you like. Be sure to visit JALLEGRAPHICS FACEBOOK and press ”Like” if you appreciate them!

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In June it was time for Gatebil @ Mantorp Park. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to stay the whole weekend but I still had a great time out, photographing and filming a lot. I Can edit that I never have filmed before so if you see some shots passing by in the Gatebil movie that are bouncing, you can blame me and my filming skills.

It was also the first time for me to be out on the track and doing some photographing. Can’t say much about it but nothing beats photographing in the middle of a circuit while you’re being surrounded by flaming and smoking cars. The sound is just mind taking!

Skyline R34 GT-R Photoshoot:

As I wrote earlier a friend of mine visiting the Wanganmeet does own a JDM car. In fact, he owns one off my personal dream cars, a Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R. I got some new gear for 2011 to get better use of my flashes so here are some of the photos taken for him. They helped a lot but there’s still quite some time in Photoshop behind every photo.

Mitsubishi Evolution X Photoshoot:

As time the season progressed I got more jobs, including this Mitsubishi Evolution X. The customer always wanted to have one of his cars shot on this location, and so we did. It might not have been the best location for this particular car, but at the time I thought it would turn out good anyway. Here are the shots.

Subaru Impreza WRX STi Photoshoot:

Toyota Aristo Vertex V300 Photoshoot:

It’s time for an exclusive. Photos which have never been shown before, well you might have seen a few of them. I the autumn we headed out with Mickes Toyota Aristo. We were trying to get the “special” autumn feel to them by placing the car under some green/yellowish trees.

Here are some off the final images of that afternoon on that location.


We finish of with the Superior Meet. Micke and company set up a whole day for all Superior Drivers Club members and anybody who loves cars. I met up with Micke at his place to head of to the headquarters in Katrineholm. I got the honor driving his Aristo.

When I got there I cracked on with a photo session right away. One of the Superior Drivers Club members wanted some photos taken of his Subaru Forester. After passing by some interesting places on the way to the headquarters I found a good location. Just a two minute drive from the garage.

And now some random shots from the event. Starting of with some fine Rx-7’s.

Mr. David Johansson @ SUPERIOR MEDIA in action:

The world does look a bit better with some smoke………… from the tires (Thompa W)!

As Micke has written in a blog earlier a fine young man called Alex wanted to buy his dream car and got in touch with Micke about importing his car. You can read the whole story here.

He picked up his widebody RX-7 at the Superior Meet and I just got blown away. It was such a nice bodykit on the car. We; Rani Gilliani, Christoffer Talvis and myself, decided to take some photos of Alex’s new ride. We all took a bunch of photos and this is the one I’m most pleased with.

In all the excitement I totally forget or didn’t take the time to eat, although it looked so delicious.

Last but not least I shot some photos for Micke himself. As you all know he bought a Nissan Skyline DR30 from the stone age, sorry Micke just had to mention it 😉 But it really has the old school look and can’t say I don’t like it. However I can’t show you too much but this photo has been uploaded a while back. The rest of the set will be up very soon!
To sum up 2011
I always try to keep on improving my skills behind the camera, as well as the post processing. This year has been a good year for me personally and business wise. I got new connections, new friends and most of all more experience. For every photo session I did I got feeling that I was on to the right path. Next year isn’t going to be much different. I’m going to raise the bar a bit higher for myself!
I Wish you all the best for 2012 and let it be a year filled with awesome events!
Best regards,
//Hjalmar van Hoek – JALLEGRAPHICS (FACEBOOK).
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An excellent write-up and plenty of pics too. We once again wish Hjalmar the best in his coming adventures in life, and hope for steady contributions though 2012 as well. Always room for a guy as friendly, professional and skilled as he is.

You can follow OUR FACEBOOK where there will be pics taken by Hjalmar posted all day long. Feel free to ”share” them as well, and if you are in a really good mood ”Like” Hjalmars own FACEBOOK PAGE

Thats all, tomorrow there is another member of the SUPERIOR SELECTED that gets thrown into the mix and gets his year reviewed!

Sheltering Daniel ”The Norwegian kid” Hovdahl (O’Snap) for the weekend…

The Superior universe is growing, and this weekend we have another prospect for media partnership flown in here from Norway: Daniel ”The Norwegian kid” Hovdahl who nowadays publishes all his media at his Facebook-group O’SNAP (CLICK!). He is most known for most of his video productions of different events (Gatebil anyone?) although his PORTFOLIO ON VIMEO has a fun mix of other stuff too.

Seeing how we are going to be ever more present in Norway this season, we had a lot in common to discuss. He’ll also get to meet some other friends within the Superior-family and upcoming partners. So its an exciting weekend for everyone involved!

Kenneth Groth Drifting from Daniel Hovdahl on Vimeo.

He told me the last scene of this clip is something worth watching a bit closer. Funny how the moments either go wrong or incredibly close are those that are the most entertaining. Its a thin line, and media guys proudly push it again & again. 😉

A lot more guests coming in today, we will share some occasional pics of the day ON OUR FACEBOOK– so ”Like” us there if you haven’t already! 

Helgens planer & möten, dags att öppna på locket lite…

Sedan 2012 började så har det blivit mer och mer tid som går åt till att sitta i telefon, skriva långa mail och bara försöka att hålla koll på all ”trafik” som sker. Blir väldigt mycket dubbeljobb när man ska logga allt slaviskt och sedan mer än en gång utvärdera det, men vi tar hellre det säkra före det osäkra än att en massa roliga bollar i luften bara försvinner puts väck- eller rasar ner till marken. Däremot närmar vi oss en punkt där vi kommer spika en marknadsplan för alla projekt, välja vilka nya satsningar som ska prioriteras- och sedermera jobba hårt mot att följa en kalender stenhårt utan kompromisser (men ja, ni vet cialis com 4 comprimidos hur det brukar sluta). 😉 Denna helg sker en serie möten här på Superior-kontoret i Södertälje, och många fler står på tur. Helgerna är verkligen då man jobbar som hårdast, och det är läskigt hur snabbt de äts upp framöver. Men för att hålla oss till vad som sker denna helg och detaljer vi kan gå ut med som avslöjar en hel del annat; lets do it: –Daniel realviagraforsale-rxonline Hovdahl från Norge kikar över för att diskutera eventuella samarbeten under kommande säsong. Vi har dialog med flera personer i vårat västra grannland, och givetvis är det Gatebil Events som är största prion- men även en liten joker som SUPRA CLUB SWEDEN har på gång. Daniel är en riktigt begåvad ung kille, och vi glädjs åt att ”bolla ideer” främst inom media med honom denna vända. Nedan har ni ett av hans verk, ”gillar”! AwesomeFest was Awesome from Daniel Hovdahl on Vimeo. -På tal om SUPRA scary movie 4 viagra CLUB SWEDEN så har vi gått in för ännu ett år som sponsorer för denna ypperliga bilklubb som gjort så otroligt mycket för bl.a. Time Attack här i Sverige. I år har målen sats högre än någonsin och intresset är på topp, så givetvis kommer vi göra allt för att spread the word. Dessutom har vi en del fina erbjudanden exklusivt för medlemmar ur klubben på riktigt fina delar till Supra (kommer finnas för alla ur Superior Drivers Club 2011 också canada pharmacy books inom kort)! -Några som också kommer på besök är stora delar av vårt kommande Drifting Team. Vi får se hur mycket vi redan nu kan gå ut med, men det känns lite poänglöst då det jobbas hårt i garaget och inför att spika schema/events; så kanske kommer avvakta där en bit till. Vi ska försöka komma ännu längre i roliga frågor såsom enhetlighet/dekor på bilarna samt välja heliga datum alla kommer vara samlade på. -Även en annan gäst som är ett stort namn inom racing-sverige kommer på besök för att ”sitta och lyssna av läget” lite. Vi har många språk vi båda talar på, och intresset för drifting är ett av dom- men även en hel del av det nytänk medialt vi tänkt införa denna cialis coupons säsong i bilentusiast-Skandinavien. -På en betydligt mer personlig nivå, så har jag bestämt mig för att ta bättre hand om mig själv för att orka styra detta storslagna skepp där vi vill få med alla godhjärtade entusiaster på en riktigt spännande resa. Träffar därför en personlig tränare på söndag, och säger man något sådant pretentiöst så är pressen redan på en att prestera. Jag hoppas detta inte läses som ”ännu en klyscha”; men ta hand om er själva på sådana enkla bitar som fysiskt välbefinnande, god sömn och unna sig leva. Hela livsstilen kring Superior ska kretsa kring att ha kul och må bra, så därför är det väl bara föregå med gott exempel där… 😉 Det får duga just nu, och eftersom vi dessutom kommer ha duktiga fotografer cialis once daily onset of action på plats så kanske en resumé över hur det gick kommer också. Önskar alla en jättetrevlig helg, och FÖLJ OSS PÅ FACEBOOK för spontana korta inlägg då och då!  

GALLERY: Detroit Motorshow 2012 – Acura / Honda NSX + Lexus LF-LC!

Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson did a summary of the Detroit Motorshow 2012 a while ago, and its been caught in the traffic from the TOKYO AUTO SALON 2012. But for the real petrol heads out there, Iam sure you will enjoy a gallery and brief summary of this event as well- to keep you up to date at least!

The biggest notable presented cars were the two Japanese concepts that had the whole world talking: Acura NSX and Lexus LF-LC. So thats where we’ll put out main focus this time around. Big thanks to Martin for making this an easy read for us all. Enjoy!

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(Pics from our network for the automotive world press, thank you!)

Chevrolet brought two new concepts to the show.

The first one is the Chevrolet Code 130R. Turbocharged engine featuring ”eAssist” (start/stop tech + brake energy reca pture) brings Chevy up to date.

At the first glance we sure can see some resemblense to a BMW 1-serie coupe crossing with a Camaro!

Something more unique and a bit cooler (according to us) is the Chevrolet Tru 140S

This is aimed two buyers under 30 year and features FWD with a 1,4L turbo engine, 4 seats, coupe-like aestetichs and a pricetag below $20K.

Hyundai unveiled a facelift of the Genesis and the oddbird Veloster.

The biggest change is seen at the front end at the Genesis. Under the hood the V6 now gives you 348 bhp.

The Veloster Turbo is obviously a lot beefier being a bit more masculine than the starting point. Now also featuring a 201 bhp engine.

Honda (Acura)

Ofcourse the biggest news here is the NSX Concept.

Still a mid-mounted Vtec V6, but adding Hybrid technology and dual clutch to the table.

Expected to go on sale in the next three years we can expect to see more concepts of the NSX before the final product is ready.

Honda also showed this gorgeuos ninth gen. Accord.

The downside? Us market only, out on sale late 2012.

Lexus showed the LF-LC Concept, a already well debated design.

2+2 sport coupe with lots of light weight materials and hybrid technology good for both driving performance and fuel efficiency.

The LF-LC also won the EyesOn Design Award for best concept car the Detroit motor show.

Some european cars was also shown, most of the with chopped roofs due to the oncoming season.

Mercedes showed their new SL with the controversial front. Not a instant ”like” but will it grow on us..?

The 991 Porsche convertible, still a sleek looking car, from the start.

We saw the MINI coupe at Frankfurt IAA and its lost its baseball cap shaped roof since then.

Ford payed their respect to Europe and Britain by applying a Aston Martin grille to the new Ford Fusion.

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Any relevant news in your opinion? It feels that sportier and edgy concepts are becoming more of a trend, and we desperately need something in between the Nissan GT-R and Lexus LFA in terms of price.

If you appreciated the short write-up and Martin Perssons own selections from this expo, go visit his FACEBOOK PAGE (CLICK!) and click ”Like”! 🙂

HKS, Wald, Cusco, Tein, Tomei, Defi & much more @ Tokyo Auto Salon 2012!

If there is something about the Japanese sporscars that truly turns them into an addiction, its the amount of aftermarket products available. Brand like HKS, Wald, Cusco, Tein, Tomei, Defi and many more continue to offer everything you could ever desire for your car. And at TOKYO AUTO SALON 2012 (CLICK!) you can be damn certain they will display all their news.

This year has as already stated been a dramatic increase in quality for the expo overall, and you might see the beginning of a big surge for the tuning-industry altogether. With the news of the upcoming Toyota GT86 / Subaru BRZ and the Nissan GT-R being the undisputedly most impressive sportscar in the world (especially considering its price); its no wonder we get stalls packed with stuff like this one from Cusco:

Thats a lot of high quality coil-overs right there, and every brand you can think of had a similar line-up. Feels good to know that cheap chinese replicas haven’t killed the market, even though they should. At least not domestically in Japan…

Need new Defi meters? How about 20 (via REVOLT-IS):

So lets enjoy these two big galleries, and make sure you got your savings over winter and autumn ready to go. If we could carelessly take the opportunity to mention; that we can supply any parts directly from Japan for you (INQUIRIES HERE!).

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Big thanks to Seiji Ishikawa for providing all pics and some video. You can visit his group by clicking the banner below!

European tuning winds blowing over Japan!

A quick gallery of some more cars from the european market that have gone cosmopolitan and been embraced by the JDM tuning culture. We got everything from really clean Audi & BMW to some awkwardly tacky Lamborghinis. Thats the charm of the expo, some things way feel years ahead of their time- while some are just… W T F ! if I may use a commonly used expression! This Murcielago for example has to be

one of the worse when it comes to things that feel so incredibly out of place on a exotic like this. But gotto admire the balls of the owner if anything. Fact is, Lamborghini has a solid following over there, and tuning studios such as recently acclaimed Liberty Walk to their best keeping us guessing whats next: Dressing your cars up in questionably stylish but bold colors seems to be the ongoing trend over there. But going over to more conservative things, it seems BMW and Audi are definitely the brands leading the european charge over there. Especially the Bavarian car manufacturer whose long history and connection to motorsport seems to fit well in the Japanese taste. This build a perfect example of two cultures meeting and greeting: Just browse through the gallery and see if you can find a favorite and a villain, plenty to choose from thanks to Seiji @ REVOLT-IS who provided the pictures for us! [nggallery id=413] What do you think? Are the Japanese mastering this part of car culture as well, or still a little bit behind…?

Keep ’em coming: One more sweet mixed gallery from Tokyo Auto Salon (Part III)

We’re going to keep it straightforward to you, as the amount of photos coming in from our friend Seiji @ REVOLT-IS from the ongoing Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 are piling up! Here is Part III of the mixed pics, you can find the rest of them HERE and make sure yo

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check our FACEBOOK GROUP for even more info. But first some personal favorites from the bunch, we’ve always had a soft spot for proper performance; and that usually means lots of horsepower and no compromises in the aero/exterier. A perfect example, in fact one of the frontrunners of Time Attack in Japan; is The Scorch Nissan Silvia S15: This car needs no further explanation, its 800HP+ SR20DET engine and the ”no hostages taken” bodywork in all carbon explains very well why we all love the highly tuned JDM-scene so much. In fact, I might go so far as say that there is something about these Time Attack builds that a ”real” race car can’t mimic… There is a vid somewhere of this monster doing warm-up laps and blowing a rod-bearing. But its impressive how it manages to haul ass even though he was probably not pushing it at half the available boost. Another car I would think will be pretty insane is this turbo compound (two turbines, one charging the other) Nissan Skyline thats also been getting some attention. With out experience, its always twice as hard to get proper tuning when using two turbines- but the idea seems very logical at least. Lets hope they will work it out and get efficient power too: Also good to see and important underlining is that old school will never die in Japan. They are extremely proud of their heritage, and now that the western world realized there are some die-hard classics that stayed within the Japanese borders mostly- we might see a lot of crazy stuff popping up the next few years! This Toyota 2000GT in full race livery (as they were built for) is a bit of a holy graal and would cost a sweet 20 000 000 yen at least for a decent example, but its free dreaming about one… [nggallery id=409] No need taking the foot of the gas-pedal yet, got a few more galleries coming up from REVOLT-IS; and at the FACEBOOK even some quick videos. Domo arigato! Thanks for visiting!

We say ”welcome” to the Toyota GT86 and Subaru BRZ @ Tokyo Auto Salon!

Fresh out of factory, the two new stars of the tuning industry are Toyota GT86 and Subaru BRZ. There was no time wasted as we already saw some examples of accesiories being ready for the big market on display at Tokyo Auto Salon 2012.

A lot of effort has been put into not just making these two rear-wheel drive cars the most fun you can have with a modern (affordable) sportscar; the whole strategy of ”re-inventing” the tuning-industry is also more then just an understatement.

That means that we will se plenty of bodykits, bolt-on performance parts and such to both the models. Naturally, everyone will jump on the band-wagon and some will probably indeed find new life to their businesses while others will fail and miss out:



Some other big news which Seiji @ REVOLT-IS who is our partner on location at the expo; was that HKS are returning to the D1 circus with a Toyota GT86 driven by no other then ”Nob” Taniguchi.

Surely makes up for the loss the series suffered when Ken Gushi left for Formula Drift to drive the very same car. How do you like the livery of the HKS car, basically the same as most of their democars in the 90’s:

Video of exhibition:


Pretty raw stuff, but gotto see and hear a lot more in quality material before we pass judgement of this car. One thing is for sure, everyone that has test-driven one have been raving about how fun it is to drive- just have to hope the pricetag will be easy to swallow…!

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Got a lot more coming from the Tokyo Auto Salon as Shiji @ REVOLT-IS continues to run around trying to snap the very best cars. Be sure to check out their FACEBOOK, click the banner below to go there!

We’ll try and get another mixed gallery out during the day. In the meantime ”Like” OUR FACEBOOK to see a lot of random pics popping up throughout this sunday!

Nissan GT-R time! Bensopra and more from Tokyo Auto Salon 2012!

The new Nissan GT-R (sadly, no longer called Skyline even in Japan) has been the adrenaline jolt the tuning-industry needed for a while. Thats pretty obvious, so equally predictable we have a plethora of them exhibited at the Tokyo Auto Salon 2012.

While the basics for tuning this fantastic and borderlinge boringly fast machine are out there; there is a game-changer on the field right now when it comes to exterior tuning- BENSOPRA.COM!

We already showed you a picture of GReddys own GT-R having a kit from this company, but the talk of the town was that there were supposed to be three of them on location. Well, here you have the third one:

As you can see, this is all about business and the way they do it- is by an abundance of performance. It will be an interesting season indeed at the different Time Attack events going down in Japan.

If Iam not mistaken there is nowdays even a Nissan GT-R only event; and that my friends surely has legen-dary written all over it…

But there is still love left for the BNR34 generation, actually the final true ”godzilla” as they’ve left the Skyline name for good (?). This below car is from Garage: Defend who have always been good at doing really mad aero for all generations of the legend:

Looking at the turbine shining brightly under that bonnet, I still believe it would give plenty of even highly tuned Nissan GT-R’s a run for their money. As a good example, our own BNR34 democar almost beat a P800 powered one in a Time Attack a while back:

JDM Face-Off Time Attack 2010 @ Mantorp Park from Superior Media on Vimeo.

But a lot has changed since then, and even the factory ones are scarily fast. Definately a dream car for anyone, and seeing the creme de la creme of them here at the Auto Salon does nothing to decrease the amount of daydreaming about owning one!

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Another special ”Thank you” to our man on location; Mr. Seiji Ishikawa and his group REVOLT-IS.

Follow us ON FACEBOOK for more pics being randomly posted during the day. Got a gallery of Toyota 86 / Subaru BRZ coming later tonight as well!

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