Author Archives: Micke_J

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Jaguar CX16 concept @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

For being one of the most liked concepts of them all by Team A (Martin & Me) we are dissapointed that we couldnt give a better angle of the Jaguar CX16 concept that was at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO.


Not only that the angle was poor, seems quite obvious that sometimes we were a little bit rushed to make the features (see them ALL HERE) and I couldnt even get the names right at occasions. Ugh… But still worth less then 100 seconds of your time- so check it out!




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Jaguar CX16 Concept from Superior Media on Vimeo.






Cant believe we got 17 more of these to show you, this expo was everything we expected in size and things to offer for the eyes…

VIDEO: ”100 seconds of 100 seconds” – We explain the concept!

Time to explain our mindsetting behind these small features (SEE THEM ALL HERE). We know some of you are finding them boring as hell compared to our regular videos, but the idea was to for the first time go volume and offer plenty of everything instead of doing just a few in depth looks.


FRANKFURT IAA is such a gigantic expo, that its impossible in two days (make that one, since it takes a full day just to ”get the hang of it” and finding your way) get a quality look of everything. So we hope this compromise and at some occasions quite predictable type of reporting is still good enough for around one minute of your time… 🙂




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of 100 Seconds from Superior Media on Vimeo.






We will ask for your feedback and have a bit of an incentive to rank all the clips, so we can see which one was the most popular.


Its important we know what we did right and wrong so the next time we do something like this will be even better! 🙂

SELECTED: Always ambitious Audi @ Frankfurt IAA 2011 Expo!

In the shadow of the two giants BMW and Mercedes we have the always ambitious VW brand Audi doing their best to keep up. They had setup their own built from scratch call in the middle of the whole expo landscape, and offered a cool design with car being testrun ”around us inside” (hard to explain).

Among the news this year were a bunch of new S-models and facelifts of their normal car, also the top of the line Audi R8 GT Spyder. We liked their thinking and probably got their deserved attention for their efforts, this gallery represents a bit of the flair…

(With a bit of a compromise, at least Audi did bring some of their racing livery to the expo. But they did not get a seat inside the fancy built from scratch building, instead they stood in their loneliness outside a bit scuffed away. Still giving them props for showing them, the Audi A5 DTM is new for this upcoming season…)

(Here is a great shot of how it looked inside, as always with this borderline pretentious brand- we got a lot of ”piano white/black” surfaces and nice tinted glasses. From this angle you dont see that there was a very small track built ”around” the structure where cars passed by from time to time. The TT-RS and GT Spyder made some nice noise sometimes…)

(A concept I myself was looking forward to seeing was this new Quattro which is a revival of the 80’s where Audi as we all know ran Group B and such. Sadly it seems this wont get much further then being pushed out in the open next to the ”priority B” racecars. Good or bad idea by Audi to scrap it from production?)

(Another concept that is aimed towards really compact cars with attitude to roam the city with. Martin got quite attached to it on location, I just get colds shivers down my spine thinking about fitting in such a car- the future seems like a rough place for guys like me who are aroun 2m tall…)

(The oh so popular Audi A5 got its facelift and even sharper lines seems to be the melody of current trends at the moment. I have a soft spot for the A5, but being totally honest here; its because its like a ”poor mans Aston Martin” or something like that.)

(In the ”100 SECONDS OF AUDI R8 GT SPYDER” VIDEO we did point out that the class of carbonfibre was among the highest of the entire expo on Audis cars. Just an amazing mix of perfect weave with the right balance of clear coat to set it off totally. Surely it was among the cars that gave the most ”want one” cravings looking back…)

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And thats Audi for ya, I think there is a pic somewhere on how the structure looked from the outside. Martin said in some naughty fashion it looked like a giant pile of whale-crap  dressed up in fance white or something like that??

This gigantic expo is killing me, never realised that two days could give so much to write about. And we still skipped over around half of what was shown there since it only gave a mild rise of the pulse passing it by… 

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

Still keeping the tempo up on all the ”100 seconds of…” clips we did at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 expo, and next in line is the magnificent Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupé– possibly the biggest in sheer size world premiere shown at the expo!

Would have been fun to get a glimpse of Rowan Atkinson aka ”Mr. Bean” aka ”Johnny English” who was present during the pressrelease of the car (its featured in the new JE movie) but aparently it was quite stale.

Not sure what I would call my own performance being a prick about Rowan, but as always its more about giving a quick glimpse of the many spectacular cars we ran through down there (and he is a multi-million $ per movie actor, while Iam…)… Lets not finish that!


Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé from Superior Media on Vimeo.



We’ve seen everything from exotic concepts, to standard cars getting their world premieres to some true supercars. I hope you like the mix so far, find ALL THE CLIPS HERE and browse around to find your favourite, and if you must- give me a good healthy dose of heckling as well since at times Iam… terrible. 😉

Friday coming up here and have some catching up to do on the office, but more SELECTED galleries from both Gatebil Rudskogen and FRANKFURT IAA will come your way…!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of the new Porsche 911 (991) @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

We all know we are getting older each time Porsche release a new generation of their 48 year old long standing classic 911. At FRANKFURT IAA EXPO we got to see the newest one dubbed 991. They are taking a step away (?) here from sportiness and have done it a bit longer and sleeker in look, do we like it…?


I would say yes, but perhaps its a little questionmark wheter the car is loosing more of its youthfullness and being even more geared towards a mature audience? Not sure, check out the video and give us your own opinion?




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Porsche 911 from Superior Media on Vimeo.






Looking at it again it really does look modernized and more of a gentlemans car rather then a sportscar but… Iam sure the more performance oriented RS-models will cure that quite easily once its their time to hit the market…


Always have to mention we got all the ”100 seconds of…” clips stashed nicely HERE if you got a few minutes to kill listening to my hesitant english; but looking at all the fantastic cars most importantly.


Dont forget all the awesome SELECTED GALLERIES with plenty of blog texts to enjoy! Do it! 😉

SELECTED: Ford Evos & Cadillac Ciel concepts @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

Two quick mentions of cars that made some impact at FRANKFURT IAA EXPO 2011, the Cadillac Ciel and Ford Evos concept- showing that there is an even playingfield and the americans are far from behind when it comes to the thinking for the future.


We already did the ”100 SECONDS OF…” VIDEO of the Ciel and we also got the Ford Evos coming, both do sooo well in live media then i pictures; but this mini-gallery by Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson is still good enough for a minute of your time. 🙂



(Ford has been doing well in recent years, but never achieved anything thats considered ”spicy” enough for more hardcore enthusiasts as ourselves to sink our teeth in. I still consider this concept a very clean rather then wild one at first glance, but looking closer you got a lot of things to enjoy in every aspect of it. Can we say it could be one of the most balanced and in a whole most ”well made” concepts of the expo?)



(Call me a nerd here, but I think even more could have been achieved here with an even more agressive sort of stance of the wheels. Iam not talking about doing a proper ”Hellaflush” look, but the Ciel has every single bit of potential needed to be the absolute overlord of all VIP-cars if it really wanted. How are you guys feeling the colour BTW?)



(I cant confirm this, but could it be the worlds first ”dual gull-wing” doors ever…? And the fact that such a ridiculous and unnecessary idea is pulled of in 100% fashion is… ace work by the design team! Gotto love those wheels which could also compete for the ”best of” in that category at the expo, and lets also mention the colour which was one of the more vibrant candy/pearl paintjobs I have ever seen in my life!)



(And the highlight of the car with a former dreamcar of mine *in MUCH younger days* giving inspiration to the rear of the Ciel —> Cadillac Eldorado. It never crossed my mind that this colossus was actually a true convertible, which is quite exclusive for any concept. So much retro going on though, everything from the brown/reddish interior to the ”controlled vulgarity” of this car takes back fond memories of the 50-60’s…)


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This was just a quicke,  but we did say that no corner of the FRANKFURT MOTOR SHOW would be left unturned by us. Right…?


…no, we actually didnt say that but still hope you like the variation of cars we’ve offered you so far. Think we are two thirds down the road in released material = much more to come! 😎

TRAILER: ”The Gatebil experience” by Neffi Photography of Denmark!

Since we are right in the middle of posting SELECTED GALLERIES from Gatebil Rudskogen, the timing for a new movie made by our friend NEFFI PHOTOGRAPHY called ”The Gatebil experience” just couldn’t be better.


This Danish dude was actually doing the first Gatebil Rudskogen event this season on our account as a spontaneous thing, and with his just recent trip there added- he is now all set to give it his first go making a production out of it.



He just released this smooth trailer of his coming video, and it has some really good footage (among my favourites, when Fredric Aasbo blows his tire, above):


The Gatebil Experience | Teaser | Neffi Photography from Neffi Photography on Vimeo.


Looking at his previous work, which has a lot of Scandinavian Drift Series in his portfolio, I think we can expect a really solid movie- and we are loving how more and more really talented photographers and filmmakers are putting the spotlight on the scene we got here in Scandinavia:


Scandinavian Drift round 2 from Neffi Photography on Vimeo.


Since he has already achieved his goal of ”1000 likes” on HIS FACEBOOK PAGE I think we can do our best to reach 2000  of them in a hurry, dont you think? 😉


We’ll be sure to post his finished movie as soon as its completed as well, but hope you will just like us make him feel welcome to the online Superior-family of partners as our #1 guy in Denmark.


Thanks to Ronny @ who was the person who formally introduced us to him, some sick combo and talent we got going here…!

SELECTED: JDM Powerdrifting machines @ Gatebil Rudskogen by JAMedia!

Cutting all the silky smooth material from FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO we are offering you a bunch of Gatebil Rudskogen action that our SUPERIOR SELECTED photographer Ronny @ JAMedia shot a few weeks ago.


This isnt the big one when it comes to Gatebil events, but with all the new upgrades the Rudskogen track has gotten recently; it seemed to attract a damn solid bunch of nutty cars as usual anyway!


This is the first of three parts that will give you m0ar craving to visit any Gatebil event next year- first out is a little composed special with JDM-only cars showing which nation is the ”king of the hill” when it comes to reckless powerdrifting!



(I’ll tell you right away, if you are allergic to the JZA80 Toyota Supra you better stay away from the gallery, as its loaded with more of this ”eternal flagship of Toyota” then whipped cream is filled with um… cream? Anyway, one that is a notch or twelve above the rest is the Team Yellow car which was originally built by JUN Auto in Japan. I don’t want to take credit away from the driver which I know is really skilled, but there is something else about that car that makes the angles, control and lots of extra smoke it dishes out seem logical = expensive and carefully selected JDM-parts!)



(Biltema (translated to ”car theme”) is a low cost huge chain of stores selling autoparts in Scandinavia. I have noticed they are getting involved more and more in events like Gatebil, and I would be stupid to hate down on anyone not liking that. Far from what the above Jun built Supra is understated with; any sponsor is a good sponsor if it helps you run your car at the insane way real Gatebil-drifters do. Get my drift here (pun intended and damn lame!).



(Before you say this is a mistake well above the countless brainfarts I do in the 100 SECONDS OF..” VIDEOCLIPS I do know this car is not JDM. But guess what? Take a look just above the hood. Look closer… Hmm… Yes! That is a Rotary 13B-REW engine with its intake sticking out! I even know its an updated ”Series 8” full engine swap meaning this car with full boost-up has just below 400HP of Mazda powah to it. We like!)



(If Iam not entirely mistaken, we got the DTS Systems Supra chasing the old Driftmonkey Soarer here in a clash between two favourites of ours. If you look at our GATEBIL MANTORP 2011 MOVIE you will know why, where especially this red Supra did a hell of a job entertaining us to the extreme. If anyone knows the driver, please tell him to get in touch with us as we are big fans of this car- same goes for the Soarer!)



(Another team we are very fond of and always try to find ways of mentioning due to their sheer awesomeness is DriftMonkey! Maybe this pic doesn’t leave more then a bunch of stuff for the imagination to figure out, but at least you get a clear shot of Öksnesvads Silvia S15 livery on the side of the car- the always rabid little apes do set the tone of the teams driving style overall!)



(Recipe: Take one RX-7 FD3S, put a wild colour on it together with an ”quickly mashed up” body kit and then drift the living f*ck out of it and… you get this sort of result! Always nice to see the Mazdas represent, and we dont care if its a ”semi-driftmissile” because its still cooler then 90% other cars out there!)


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A real butt-kicker of a SELECTED GALLERY to start things off with, but the other two have  alot to them as well which Iam sure you will like. And using that word again, please do LIKE OUR FACEBOOK to see lots of random pictures and video showing up there, although its a priority to always check in with the Superior-blog here to know whazzap! 🙂


Dont forget to salute the guy who took these pics for us, find Ronnys JAMEDIA FANPAGE and ”like” that as well. Geez, it really hurts my wrists asking for you to ”like” and ”like” and ”like” again but…


…It encourages us to keep doing our thing so, big thanks in advance!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Alfa Romeo 4C + hot Italian babe! @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

Going the shameless route of promoting that there is a very hot lady in this video featuring Alfa Romeo 4C concept at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 MOTOR SHOW. Actually, its needless to plug it this way because this car was in its natural beautiful self worth taking a long look at!


Not sure where to put Alfa Romeo as a brand right now, they seem to struggle losing that permanent label of being a ”designer brand” with ”fance engine sound” before something you would actually buy judgeing by simple common sense. If they can keep the pricetag down on this one though, I would really like to see many of the on the streets…




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Alfa Romeo C4 from Superior Media on Vimeo.






I have looked on this clip several times, and I think there is a clear connection to my slightly (even more then usual) confusion and the things that the camera catches. So go have a look yourselves, and see if you can forgive me. 😉


Going to try and push the pace even more so we can have ALL CLIPS (CLICK!) gathered from the expo very soon. I hope the around 100 seconds each one is in lenght keeps you all to keep watching them, not much time to ask for! 🙂

SELECTED: Big bad Germans 2/2 – BMW M5 & more @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

Solidifying the Top 2 brands at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 MOTORSHOW is BMW who didn’t have the same amount of news as Mercedes, but their new generation M5 F10 (see VIDEOCLIP HEREwas still a big draw we had talked about before the expo started.


Since it just happened to be so, we attended their press-release first thing and were totally blown away by the size of media/HiFi equipment used in their presentation.


Sound was crisper then any home cinema I have ever enjoyed, and seeing the cars rolling on the almost velodrome like surface was cool as sh*t to be honest!


They would later be trumfed by Mercedes (in my opinion) but getting into the Top 2 when there are still big brands like VW and Audi among others to compete with… well not bad at all. Hee we go, as usual its maestro Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Persson who has done the photographing:



(And here he is, the meanest but still ”squarest” guy in town! Picture a Clark Kent without his glasses and innocent look, doing what his Superman alter ego does best- kick ass! We were truly raving about the front end of the car which had me thinking some toned down Ferrari F430 Scuderia design. Everything including the engine which is a Twin-turbo V8 makes perfect sense on this car…)


(…and a shot from the rear, this time in even more innocent white colour. Perhaps they went a little too subtle with it, and its possible the only part of the car I would ”dress up” with something more agressive. Got any ideas?)



(The catchphrase is ”The most powerful letter” or something to that extent, but M has become more then their top of the line performance beast; and more about offering for example bodykits from factory to your regular model. Doubt this is news for ya’ll as there has always been ”M-packages” available, but they seem to market it more openly apart from their M3/M5 etc now. Will it water down its true status…?)



(Even the standard 1-series has its own M-package now and it sure does give it a nice ”little package of dynamite” sort of look, doesn’t it? Apparently Martin had a friend who had a real 1M coming his way soon, so you could feel the good-hearted jelousy right there. This aint it, but could be better on a budget? Still feel its more of a ”car for the girlfriend” kind of model, hate me all ya want!)



(Nothing new on the BMW M3 front, but Martin insisted that its a damn shame so few dare to try the classic red colour on this sleek machine? Perhaps its more common practice to use something more ”conservative” just like the stale and correct Germans would like it; but I do agree the car does look bad-ass apart from the silver wheels which need to go gun-metal or flat black now!)


[nggallery id=362]


Maybe not that fair of a gallery to show how big their presence was, but I can honestly say its much clearer on how much bigger and more news-filled Mercedes was. You have to remember that they sort of semi-shared their stall with Mini Cooper and Rolls-Royce as well…


Finally getting somewhere is trying to recap the FRANKFURT IAA EXPO this year around, all these SUPERIOR SELECTED galleries give a decent look of it anyway- and then you got the ”100 seconds of..” HERE to give you a glimpse of each car as well.


We could blog all year around if we gave everything a deeper look, but hope you like that we keep it in a ”bloggy” entertaining way instead… 🙂

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