Author Archives: Micke_J

GALLERY: Mixed pics from Hall A + B at Elmia 2012 by Talvis

Lost in the mix of ”Superior TV” clips and our ”Ten of the best” list, we bring a mixed gallery outside of what was exclusively posted on OUR FACEBOOK (which you should definitely check out if you haven’t yet!

This gallery is from Hall A + B from BILSPORT PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOM MOTORSHOW 2012 and are taken by Christoffer Talvis. 

(Our own little stall which was mostly about having a place where members of the Superior Family had a place to sit and chill, not to mention two cars you should recognize by now…)

(Wild colors and even wilder wide-bodies show cars is the expos bread and butter. Not to everyones liking, but still adds flair to the event.)

(Last year we saw Patrik Ljungs Volvo V70 V8 RWD car donning the Police livery, this year a Evo IX was doing the honors (!? saluting our long arm of the law…)

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(The ”B hall” must be our favorite with a direct approach to tuning & performance cars. These two Speedsters renamed ”Badsters” look like they live up to their name any day at the track you want!)

(Peter Björck and his 88mm Turbo rocking it in this shot. Anything else? Oh year, 1200+ RWHP is where its at.)

(Richard Klarbys VW Golf R on Rotiform wheels made #8 on our TEN OF THE BEST LIST from this expo. Well deserved!)

(Like we said, the B hall has a much wider array of the best ”tuning-builds” and even some exotic that belongs to Mercedes styling guru ”Lars K”.)

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Hope you enjoyed that, our coverage from this expo which is the definite starter of the season in Scandinavia will continue.

Also check out Mr. Talvis own ”online mag” (free!) GREENLIGHT MAG to also se a issue telling more about the ELMIA 2012 EXPO coming soon!

#5 Ten of the best: Nissan S-cargo from Finland with 250kg marshmallow love!

We don’t do fancy and ”hipstermatic” intros for our SUPERIOR SELECTED ”Ten of the best” lists, we just friggin do them.

But for this car there could be an endless amount of flamboyant intros and explanations for why we included it as one of our favorite cars on ELMIA 2012 EXPO. But…

Lets just say there were 250 reasons to pick this car over a bunch of other really fantastic builds:

Yes! That is 250kg of Marshmallows ”dressing up” the car on the ground! And as you can imagine, the owner Jani Lemberg having quite a few ”WTF’s” when he placed the order for all that candy.

But never mind that, as gimmicks is not what sold us in on this car. So what did, its as far from a rough drift or Time Attack car you can come- and lacks all the ultra-modern cool of something from the Hellaflush scene.

The simple reason this joker is on our list is photogenic ability and natural charisma! 

I can’t give any scientific explanation much as I can’t deliver more of the hip clichés, but I will say that if this car does not make you smile- you need to check if you have warm blood flowing through your heart- or maybe you need to find where it was you lost that childish enthusiasm along the way of becoming a stiff grown-up!

Our two SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHERS guilty for these yummy pics had nothing different to say then the above to why they ranked this odd Nissan so high in the rankings.

Simply damn cool” said RANI GILIANA, and collaborating support photographer MARTIN PERSSON had a sick grin on his face as he said ”this is the joker of the bunch” when presenting me their picks. Fair enough!

We wish we could tell you more about the builder of this car, from the short research done online its hard to get a grasp of earlier builds etc. It is equally flattering as it is puzzling when in all honesty, a 14 year old girl could have done the outlining of this project?!

We appreciate the tender break from everything serious though, and hope you enjoy this car as well.

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As you may have noticed if you have followed the TEN OF THE BEST list so far, the number of photos just increased; and will continue to do so for the next four entrants.

So please show your support to bring them out before the week is over by visiting Facebook fan pages of RANI and BILBILDER.SE —> To click ”Like” there… 🙂

Superior TV: Mercedes Black series replika, vilka är skillnaderna?

Att riva ner och börja bygga på en lyxbil värd stora belopp hör inte till vanligheterna här i Sverige.

Speciellt inte när man dessutom ger sig på att få den likna en av de mest exklusiva och råaste modeller märket i sig har att erbjuda?

Micke_J och Sir_Pierre tog en närmare titt på en Mercedes SL som fått full ombyggnad så den liknar en ”Black series”.

Merca-experten Pierre ger oavkortat raka puckar om vad som skiljer mot den äkta, och vi slänger även med ett par subjektiva åsikter om bygget som höll väldigt hög finish!

Vi hoppas på mera feedback på alla Superior-TV klipp, ni får mer än gärna ge kritik bra som negativ på bl.a. VÅRAN FACEBOOK. 🙂

#6 Ten of the best: Eisenhuts Honda Integra, Stance vs JDM vs clean engine!

Want to pick one enthusiast and his build to represent what the Swedish Hellaflush scene is with one swipe?

Look no further then Marcus Eisenhuts Honda Integra that for this season is nearing full marks in all areas within this culture of car tuning.

He was already leading the pack of US-trends here in Sweden, and has for this season put extra effort into the engine bay especially- so it was definitely the thing to focus on for our SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHERS shooting this ”Ten of the best” series from the ELMIA 2012 EXPO:

The car itself is mildly improved from last season, but we don’t consider that since its officially out in this expo representing how far along the ”Stance-scene” has come in just ~365 full days from last years expo.

Our two ace photographers RANI GILIANA and MARTIN PERSSON doing this series exclusively, seem to enjoy shooting this car- and its easy to get satisfying results with some privacy and extra flashes on it:

We also had time to let our Superior-TV co-host SIR PIERRE do a short interview with the man himself, explaining that it seems like things are going pretty well for the ”Stance scene” when even the countries biggest expo dares to invest in it.

Marcus car was just one of many very impressive ”Stance builds” and we shot a big feature of it that displayed what an awesome presence the OIJ OIJ SOCIETY guys had- by far the best stall of the ELMIA 2012 EXPO!

As usual we encourage you to FOLLOW OUR FACEBOOK and also pay a visit to collaborating Superior Selected photographers RANI AUTOMOTIVE and BILBILDER.SE

We appreciate any feedback!

Superior TV: Dags att reda ut begreppen, kristna motorklubben!

Två förvirrade programledare begav sig in till personliga vänner till Micke_J montern.

Denna kristna motorklubb har länge försett folk i A-hallen med kaffe, och detta år tänkte vi dyka in för att reda ut begreppen.

Från att hankat oss fram lite osäkert så slutade intervjun tillslut med ett par intressanta och lättsamma diskussioner. Är ”monterbrudar” på framtida agendan? Vilken bil skulle Jesus köra, eller en radikal muslim…?

Klart är iaf. att oavsett om du är kristen eller inte, så är en klubb för bilentusiaster som söker en gemenskap utöver det vanliga.

Superior ger tusen tack för alla koppar kaffe under helgen! Besök deras HEMSIDA och ta en titt!

#7 Ten of the best: Peter Holmerts Dodge Challenger ”Pro Mod”

This years PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOM MOTORSHOW celebrated esteemed automotive magazine BILSPORT 50 year anniversary. For that occasion they had an entire hall dedicated to different cars that had been published over the years, and this Mopar beast was what attracted our SUPERIOR SELECTED Photographers the most: This is Peter Holmerts Dodge Challenger that has gone the full ”Pro Mod” route, meaning it has a much more modern engine, drivetrain and interior. Say what you want about old US-muscle builds, but its very hard to argue a build like this hitting our list. Its just something that makes the current re-released Challenger quite ugly looking… We’d like to thank BILSPORT for giving us

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the opportunity of providing you this series and many other things from the expo, and in the same sentence mention Johan Eriksson who writes for them- and show our appreciation for their continuous support. ”Like” this? Go to OUR FACEBOOK and if its not too much trouble, take a look at RANI AUTOMOTIVE and BILBILDER.SE if these kind of quality pics turn you on as much as us!

Kaos i brevlådan! Vi ber om ursäkt för långs svarstider och du mailat oss!

Vi ville bara flagga för att den stora satsningen inför, under och nu även efter ELMIA 2012 gjort att vi hamnat långt efter i mailhögen.

Ber därför om allas tålamod, då det är ett tre-siffrigt belopp mail som kräver svar; trots att vi rensat duktigt i sådant som inte kräver svar eller dylikt…

Passa på att gällande TIMEATTACK.NU även besöka siten och där skriva upp er på nyhetsbrevet. Mycket info som är förstahands och även första omgången platser till serien finns där.

Vi beräknar vara ”ikapp” som vanligt på kontoret mot slutet av nästa vecka, men lovar roa er med många klipp och gallerier från mässan tills dess!

Superior TV: Vapen, brudar och miltärtema hos!

I Ett av de mer lättsamma klippen på Performance and Custom Motorshow 2012 som Superior-TV besökte under Påskhelgen; så träffade vi ”Streetrace-gänget” Team Quest Racing (

Deras tema för året var militärt, och en handfull leksaker för vuxna hormonstinna amerikaner (!) samt galna ryssar prydde montern:

Micke_J och Sir_Pierre skämdes som ni ser inte för sig, utan bad om en liten demo och resultatet är en unken crossover till populära Youtube-fenomenet ”FPS Russia”!

Lämna gärna kommentarer och rätta oss om ev. faktafel, vi tar ingen hänsyn till sådana och givetvis är klippet gjort med XXL ”glimten i ögat”! 😉

#8 Ten of the best: Richard Klarby VW Golf R

Most of the builds on our SUPERIOR SELECTED ”Ten of the best” list have one thing in common: Build quality, and that they all seem planned out.

Richard Klarby is already considered to be one of Swedens best car painters. His work on Cim Nilssons Toyota Supra in matte orange was a big crowd pleaser last year. So now he decided to trumf it with his VW Golf R:

This Ferrari silver painted beauty rests comfortable on Rotiform wheels and just gives you that feeling that time stands still when you observe the car, trying to find something which is not done to perfection.

Our two SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHERS fancy work with the extra flashes comes at a climax here, capturing the shade of the paint to a 100%:

Rumors have it that Richard has now sold his business, but we can’t expect such a talented guy to stand in one place for too long. This Golf has been rebuilt several times, so maybe its time for  a change and new project.

We can only hope, as quality builds like these are exactly why we created SUPERIOR SELECTED and guys like RANI GILIANA and MARTIN PERSSON shoots these cars.

Hit us up at OUR FACEBOOK or comment below for some feedback, don’t forget to share our continuously updated ELMIA 2012 LINK! (CLICK!).

#9 Ten of the best: 1932 Ford 5-window coupé with Caravan

The ”Ten of the best” list from the PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOM MOTORSHOW 2012 goes on, and today we have a damn outright charming car that our SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHERS got stuck on, a 1932 year Ford 5-window Coupé with a matching caravan!

Our two boys with immense photo skills, Rani ”RANISFOTO.SE” Giliana with support by Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Persson picked this as a bit of a surprise from the rest of the bunch, but the color, genuine look and as usual with US-custom builds finish of the car; made it qualify on the list:

We admit this is a step outside our own comfort zone, and encourage our readers to educate us more on what it really is we are looking at.

All we can say is, that as already mentioned; the amount of hours and meticulous work the US-customs car builders put in their projects is second to none. Needless to say, the bright yellow flawless paint wins us over anyway…

If you know the owner of the car, don’t be shy to place comments below.

Don’t forget to VISIT OUR FACEBOOK where more news on the best from the expo will pass through, the same applies to RANIS and MARTINS own Facebook pages where you are more then welcome to become a fan and leave feedback!

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