Author Archives: Micke_J

SELECTED: The women of Frankfurt IAA 2011 – ”Best of mixed”

This isnt really our thing, but walking around the expo and seeing all these beautiful women with the equally gorgeous cars paired up made it tough not to take that ”extra pic”. We know that FRANKFURT IAA 2011 is not only the home of the best cars, but the best women to showcase them as well. And we intend to prove it now!


No need for any blogging here, you’ll be the judge on what suited your taste and was worth spending a few extra seconds to look at. If you have to force an opinion out of me, I’ll say there was an Italian domination on what was… prettiest. Not saying more then that, Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Perssons pictures will do the rest:


Alfa Romeo:









(I think in the end this is a pretty rare pic, as they were never dressed this casually during the expos more busier hours…?)





Alfa Romeo (again, for a damn good reason!):









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We are a bit slowed down here by a change from PC to Mac, and that must sound incredibly silly but… No excuses, takes time to change platforms if you dont want to spend weeks of frustration instead. But this gallery is a little compensation for the lack of acticity recently. 😉


We know by now you cant possible have missed all the ”100 SECONDS OF…” VIDEOCLIPS we did from the expo, but we would love your feedback on them- even if you have to try very hard to give us pointers to work at = give a better product next time.


Dont be shy, fire away below!

Stor förändring på kontoret och viss downtime framöver…

Då min kära dator som varit med sen Superior blev ett aktiebolag i 2007 börjat spöka mer och mer, så fick det bli lite halvt akut man fullföljde de långt gångna planerna på att gå med i ”Apple-sekten” på allvar…



Just nu är det bara en stor jävla pain in the ass, allt från hur trackpad funkar till de mest basic grejer. Men inte konstigt när man varit i ett stort mörker i hela sitt liv kallat windows…


Kommer ta mig tiden att komma in ordentligen i detta istället för att fuska, så kommer bli kortfattat bloggande närmsta dagarna. Men sen ska det bli mer fart på allt än någonsin minsann! 😉

SELECTED:Trackday action @ Gatebil Rudskogen by!

After taking a day off to heal the wounds after a night out, we bring you Ronnys  ( pictures from Gatebil Rudskogen. This is the final part although the sneaky guy did deliver one more which we will publish in the future as a ”bonus”. 😉

This part is all about action from the track and we really think there is no point to explain what we already know about what type of driving is done at the Gatebil events = reckless and with no mercy to the cars at all!

(The Alm brothers are well known ”Gatebil heroes” and bring something quite unique to the world of powerdrifting since they do it with permanent 4WD instead of the usual. And yes, like you can figure it out it means twice as much smoke as well- and at the same time twice as entertaining to watch!)

(And here is a typical view on how it can look at a busy moment in a turn at Rudskogen track. The anarchy that happens when you put so many extreme cars out at the same time is a sight to behold, but somehow there is a sense of awereness from everyone which makes it less chaotic then it should.)

(Kai Roger Bakken is also a big name with his Audi S1 replica that totally mad races in the ”Extreme series” and rarely finishes outside the Top 3. His healthy rivalery with TS-Racing and their Audi A3 is something to always look closer at, these guys never dissapoint when it comes to giving 100% to even but a 0,001 of a second = fearless and sickly entertaining!)

(Its quite possible the biggest draw to these events is that you get a enormously twised variety of cars being ran. Here we got a newrer generation BMW M3 which is treated just like any ”hacky” JDM-driftcar. Respect!)

(…and did we need to remind you about that twisted variety of cars running at Gatebil again?)


(This is how we started this gallery, and a suitable ending would be Kenneth Alm showing what I meant with that they truly make powerdrifing twice as entertaining with their 4WD madness. Hearing rumors about the S2 from them being for sale, so if you want to be a Gatebil Hero without spending endless amounts of time building the right car… ask at their FACEBOOK about it?)

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And there we go? We are always greatfull for the awesome work all our SUPERIOR SELECTED photographers do for us and hope you enjoy it just as much. Show your appreciation by liking Ronnys FACEBOOK as well, everyone likes a ”like”. 😉

Still plenty of material from FRANKFURT IAA 2011 to be released as soon as we can.

We are embracing autumn and going to work more with the video we got saved up after a long season; superlong checklist of what we have will be released in early October- going to be a busy winter! 😀

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Mercedes C63 AMG Black Series @ Frankfurt 2011!

One more ”100 seconds of…” video (SEE THEM ALL HERE) for you to enjoy from FRANKFURT IAA 2011 with the Mercedes C63 AMG ”Black Series”. This concludes our saturday which had a bit of a ”tuning special” to it, but we have a lot more from this segment of the expo as well…


Seeing this video, I think its one of the best ones and was done early in day one with plenty of focus and on a car we both (me and photographer Martin) liked a lot.


Wish all the clips could have been like this, giving you plenty of details and a fun fact or two- but generally I stand by that all we are doing is to ”scratch the surface” for all of you and the clips do that well!




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Mercedes C63 AMG Black Series from Superior Media on Vimeo.






You could use both hands and your feet to try and account for how many ”must have” cars we found at the expo, but being a bit balanced I feel this is one bad motherf*cker that would not only own a lot of cars in appearace- but most certainly in performance firsthand as well…


That concludes todays efforts to get all the material from FRANKFURT IAA of our hands and into yours. I think we’re about 75% on the road here until its all out, so keep enjoying the ride! 🙂

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Subaru WRX STi ”NRG edition” (Nürburgring special)

Subaru didnt do much noise at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO, but we still jumped with high enthusiasm when we saw they did bring the Subaru WRX STi ”NRG edition”; which driven by Tommi Mäkinen did sub 8-minute laps of the Nürburgring with just basic tuning done to the car!


This video explain a bit of the ”extra bits” added to make it so quick, and you will be suprised on how few they really are- this should motivate you all for this coming winter in doing your own modifications to improve laptimes in 2012…




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Subaru WRX STI from Superior Media on Vimeo.






Even if Tommi Mäkinen is an incredible driver, I think we all need to learn that it doesnt take a supercar to run around the classic ’Ring if your car is balanced and setup well for it. Dont think we will see this ”edition” being available from factory, but its more or less a statement of what potential the new WRX STi has. Message delivered Subaru!


I wish there was more of this and especially Japanese brands overall, but we hope all the news from FRANKFURT are still intriguing you.


Guess for a blog mostly dedicated to the Swedish JDM-scene we can only feel good about mixing it up a bit here in the beggining of fall… 😉

SELECTED: Tuning-special (Mansory, Hamann, Techart Carlsson & more) @ Frankfurt 2011

Sinking our teeth into Hall 5 at the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO we got all the über-premium tuners under one roof with brands like Mansory, Brabus, Carlsson, Weissman, Techart, Hamann and more & more…!

We were not as enchanted as our GUEST BLOGGER SIR PIERRE, but did return more then once to get a closer look on some cars. Its with some regret I did not give even more time to these astounding supercars who have gotten and even sharper edge to them with labour of the absolutely highest degree.

There will be another write-up by Pierre who is much more familiar with these big dogs of the aftermarket $$$-sccene; but right now Martin BILBILDER.SE Perssons pictures will give you more SELECTED GALLERY wisdom to entertain your eyes with…

(English exterior tuner MANSORY brought their A-game to the expo and had probably the second largest presence in Hall 5 after Brabus. They had a themed matte white/carbon thing going and you had supercars from around the world to look at. What you see here is not just an Audi R8 but a custom Golf cart (!) as well, moral of this story is that a certain Horacio Pagani was eyeing it live in front of me while I was there. Hmm?)


(Carlsson has been tuning Mercedes forever it seems, and they put a lot of focus on their own wheel collection which I found very appealing. If its one thing the Germans be it ultra-premium tuners like these guys know; its how to keep it simple and classy when it comes to wheels.)

(The exception (!?) to the above statement is another tuner who has been around for a long time; Hamann. They do something some of us more fans of subtleness would call ”boy racer” things to car costing well more then what we are used to. I found the toned rear lights quite out of place on this Bentley Continental GT and the wheels are borderline tacky as well. Still giving credit to that they have not cheated in quality anywhere and Iam sure its a matter of taste as well…)

(More from Hamann and interesting to see this type of carbon with larger ”squares” in the weave. In Sweden we call it Textreme and we have actually in MajoR Aero done some work with it. Quite expensive and hard to work with, but more unique then regular carbon- and thats what people want to pay for when it comes to spending money on their supercar?)

(Front ”canards” have suddenly become all the rage here; wheter its from factory supercars or what these premium tuners are offering their customers. I thought this design for the Porsche Cayenne by Mansory was pretty unique, although I have to figure out the aero functions behind it fully…)

(Techart is a highly respected tuner who does more then just ”style” their cars, its even more about the performance then perhaps some of the other brands in this gallry. This is a sick close-up of their ”smurfy” Porsche GT2 RS that we liked so much we did a 100 SECONDS OF..” videoclip of. So enjoy these close-ups and expect that the feature will give you a more fuller experience of this awesome car!)

(Got stance? Already did mention that the Germans leave nothing to chance when it comes to taking this seriously. I would be tempted to lower it even more,but I doubt its cool to scrape the streets in your city cruiseing while driving your Carlsson CK63 RS…)

(One more shot of the highly favoured brand in this gallery (Mansory) and their insane Ferrari 458 Italia which was stuffed with more carbon then a epic mealtime turkey is with meat!)

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Most of these cars are perfectly fine from factory, and we feel its 50/50 when it comes to taking advantage of that and just refining those lines- while the other half just goes nuts in trying to add any single detail which will give the car even more attention. Which route is the best to go in your opinion?

Todays ”tuning-special” is all about spoiling you guys. Drop off a comment below if you like what you see, and be sure to check out MARTINS FACEBOOK as he has a habit of shooting supercars for a living as well. 😉

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Brabus CLS Rocket 800 @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

When I mentioned that the DACIA DUSTER had 850HP it was probably among the most powerful cars of the expo. Well, here is another one with German tuner Brabus showing their CLS Rocket 800 which has… yes indeed, 800 ponies and torque well enough for a proper truck under the hood!

The entire Halle 5 was dedicated to the different tuners of the world (mostly German = The elite) and we will share a SELECTED GALLERY (teaser below) with you from that as well as some expertise blogging from SIR_PIERRE. Its just tuning at another planet then we are used to, although there was a lot of common ground to find with a technical manager of Brabus who said it was the same trial and error as with building any other tuned car.

Gotto add that they were utter class at Brabus, and the best honest complement I could give them is still valid: In a hall which has a dozen tuners with plenty of $$$ client cars in their disposal they were the biggest and best with ease. Their closest competitor Carlsson had nothing on them- and thats a fact and not an opinion.

Keep up the good work Brabus, and make sure to watch this video showing the classiest snob with a total meanstreak around. Some quite interesting facts like its 0 – 300km/h time is brought up. Can you guess it before watching the video? 🙂


Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Brabus from Superior Media on Vimeo.




Cant imagine riding in more class then that, but still feeling confident in what I got as soon as I give it a little push on th gas-pedal anytime a factory supercar rolls up next to me in the autobahn… 😉

See ALL THE CLIPS from the FRANKFURT EXPO 2011 and drop a comment or two, we really appreciate it!

Idag har vi lite av ”tuning special” från Frankfurt och ”100 seconds of…”!

Jodå, det är fortfarande roligt att skriva på svenska med här i bloggen. Vi inser att det varit en ganska kvick övergång till engelska i samband med att allt material från FRANKFURT BILMÄSSAN 2011 kommit ut, men jag hoppas ni är OK med det och gillat det ni sett (kom gärna med fler kommentarer i klippen/gallerierna).


Idag kommer vi bjuda på något som borde falla oss ”tuning-nördar” i smaken mycket mer. Det blir tre bilar av olika mått som genomgått mer eller mindre uppgraderingar från dess ursprungliga form, först ut tar vi en riktig bjässe i premiumklassen när Brabus tungviktare CLS rocket 800 för sig en snabb översyn.



Vidare tar vi något helt annat när Subaru WRX STi ”NRG edition” visar hur en simpelt fabrikstunad bil kan gå under 8min på Nürburgring och hur uppspelt jag kan bli över det (it aint pretty..). 😉


Som avslutning ikväll tar vi en av våra absolta favoritbilar från mässan som även den är en Merca; C63 AMG Black Series.


Denna bil har jag sagt mer än en gång om att den känns som något en Japansk tuning-studio hade kunnat gjort, och videon kommer bekräfta den lilla paralellen mycket bra. En klar favorit bland alla ”100 SECONDS OF…” filmer vi spelade in dessa två dagar!


Hoppas verkligen ni diggat vad vi fått ut här i Superior-bloggen senaste tiden, det är OK att negga mot engelskan och om ni tycker det varit ”för mycket/lite” av något.


Vi suger åt oss av kritiken som en ödmjuk svamp- bara kommentera nedan så blir vi kanonglada! 🙂

SELECTED: Gatebil lifestyle and the outsides of the Rudskogen track!

Its always a pleasure to bring different parts of our passion, and added to that formula the different styles all our SUPERIOR SELECTED photographers have from eachother.

This time Ronny @ JAMedia (Like!) has got the decadent left-overs from the recent Gatebil Rudskogen event which was a few weeks back. We all know its a bit crazy both on and off the track of these events, and added the companionship and positive atmosphere between the racing- you get pictures like these quite easily…

(You almost get a ”Mad Max” feeling with these simple camps setup and everyone having their own unique and ”less is more” kind of solutions for the obligatory barbecue done after the trackdays are done.)

(No time for some fancy stuff here as you ”take what you got” to get mechanical work done. The big piles of rubble here and there is proof of that eventhough the track is a beast already, more work is added all the time. I dare to say this has the potential of being the best in all of Scandinavia when its done…)

(Among the most common things to see are endless amounts of worn out tires. There is only one mode to go on Gatebil, and that is flat out and with a lot of smoke; if you dont your just lost in the mix and nobody.)

(Norwegians are as fond of old school Euro performance cars as the rest of us are of similar JDM. The old Sierre Cosworth which was quite a monster back in the day with its large turbo from factory; is still going strong today.)

(Walking around the pit area you can bump into a ”monster on four wheels” all the time. This is TS-Racings Audi A3 which is among the fastest Gatebil Extreme cars event after event.)

(The guy in the middle is one of the most talented and brutal powerdrifters out there, you can get a clue that he drives a Supra and that there is another guy in this pic wearing his teams T-shirt. Name this sucka!)

(No, we are not ”selling out” and going to publish any more naughty pics then these, but you gotto be fair and hand it to the norwegians being totally free of shame to put on a show for all of us. Not that I really agree with it, but to each their own- and its been a tradition at Gatebil events for a long time so… enjoy all you boys full of hormones!)

(You need to click this one to really enjoy it, a beautiful panorama of a corner where a lot goes down all the time. Dont want to put you off by saluting Rudskogen track too much, but they have really done well in the rebuild of it…)

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Keep those comments coming, we hope you like what you see here in the Superior-blog and we can thank talented photographers like Ronny to keep us happy and prosperous with galleries like this one…

One to go which is a 100% action filled track kind of one. Just how you like it I guess!

Today there is plenty more coming from FRANKFURT IAA 2011 as well, and no- I think there will never be an end of all the good stuff coming from that f’in huge expo… 😉

SELECTED: Toyota FT-86 Concept gallery @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

Browsing around the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO the hardest part was restraining the urge of staying around one car for too long. Kind of sad, but priority was to experience as much as possible.


One car that did get some extra love from Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson was the Toyota FT-86 concept that all us ”JDM-fans” are so curious about.


We got you a small gallery to in combination with out VIDEOCLIP of it give it a decent summary, now lets just hope it will be out as promised somewhere after new years; and that Subaru who will also do something similar- will rejuvinate the ”price competetive segment” among sportscars…



(I think what Martin is trying to show you here is that the ”chamber” they had put the FT-86 in had the entrance of an eye. Or are we all trying too hard to see this?)



(Been seeing some hate on this 6th edition of this concept, some think they really went too far in some parts of the design. Like the rear diffuser for example. I agree on the wing being quite… strange. And also the wheels feel quite tacky too. Other then that its gorgeous and reminds us a lot of the Lexus LF-A.)



(One of the most succesful things on this car are the front and rear lights, which feel ultra-modern and of really high quality. Usually cheaper sportscars get that ”plastic” feel when trying something bolder in design, but yet again we feel its got the Lexus LF-A feeling in premium design as well…)


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Really have to hand it to Martin Persson to really beat any previous effort in capturing quality galleries in SUPERIOR SELECTED in just two mere days. We have around a handfull more to show you, and after that its Rani ”RANISFOTO.SE” Giliana who will show what he captured at the expo…


Take a look at our FACEBOOK PAGE and soon after MARTINS AS WELL. We all get a kick of your likes and appreciate your support!


Have an awesome weekend now, no chance of us slowing down and we’ll continue to spoil the hell out of you all here in the Superior-blog… 😎

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