Category Archives: Superior Selected Photo

#7 Ten of the Best @ Elmia 2013: Widebody Nissan Skyline R34

Vi ramlar in på vår hemmaplan när en Japansk sportbil äntligen får vara med på listan, förs på plats #7.

Det är ett kärt återseende med Realcars gamla demobil, en unikt plåtbreddad Nissan Skyline R34 som fått en uppfräschning detta år!

Fantastiskt nog har detta bygga en del år på nacken, men det visar bara hur långt ”före” i tiden dåvarande REALCAR låg när de byggde den. Med en ny färg är den än en gång med i toppen igen på ”JDM-scenen”…

(Rani Giliana visar med sina blixtfoton att han utan tvekan hör till de bästa bilfotograferna i Sverige.)

(Jag har ännu att se en lika harmonisk breddning som denna, och detta även med funktionella intag för kylning av bromsar etc. Ett fantastiskt jobb av ”plåt-konstnären Thollander. Foto: Rani Giliana)

(Åsikterna om en vinges vara eller icke vara lämnar vi till er. Trenderna går väldigt olika och det finns många kombinationer som skulle passa… men absolut inte fel utan heller?)

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#7 Ten of the Best @ Elmia 2013: Widebody Nissan Skyline R34 from Superior Media on Vimeo.

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Nästa på listan: En av de förmodligen dyraste att bygga bilarna för året. Dessutom med oväntad ägare.

Glöm inte att spana in VÅR FACEBOOK där vi ska rösta fram ”Superior peoples choice” också!

#8 Ten of the Best @ Elmia 2013: Ford 34 ”The Dreamster”

I Sverige har vi en fantastisk tradition inom Custom & Rod-byggande, och det är här rötterna i hela Bilsport Performance and Custom Motorshow ligger.

Denna i färger minimalistiska Ford 34 kommer från Jönköpings-trakten och är resultatet av 9 års arbete.

Låg, bred, mörk och elak- det var sannerligen inget som gjorde bort sig på plats #8 på vår ”Ten of the best” från mässan.

(Bilen ser nästan ut som en rendering i 3D, men trots namnet ”Dreamster” är den högst verklig. Foto: Henrik Oulie)

Vi är tacksamma över input från vår ”expert” på US Rod & Custom-bilar som var med oss hela helgen, nämligen vår käre kock Christoffer Damberg som upplyste om detta spektakulära bygge.

Måste verka idiotiskt att utan ”tips” ha missat denna, men såpass tätt är det med fina bilar i C/D-hallen som inte i grunden är ”vår skola” av bilkultur.

(Bilen är helt enkelt ”cool” i hela sin uppenbarelse. Den röda inredningen bryter av perfekt mot matt-svarta och vita utsidan. Foto: Henrik Oulie)

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#8 Ten of the Best @ Elmia 2013: Ford 34 ”The Dreamster” from Superior Media on Vimeo.

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Nästa bil på listan kommer äntligen (?) vara en Japansk sportbil. Hittils udda mix av länder minst sagt…

Besök gärna VÅR FACEBOOK där vi röstar fram ”Superior peoples choice” bland dessa 10 bilar!

#9 Ten of the best @ Elmia 2013: Lukas Koos ”00Z Edition”

Vi mjukstartade med ett fint custom-bygge, och nu går vi in på något som också kan lämna en del av våra finsmakande fans att önska mera.

Oavsett vad man har att säga om Lukas Kooz, så lyckades dock killen än en gång på mässan som han gjort till tradition att debutera byggen på. Många priser och plats #9 på vår ”Ten of the best” blev det!

I år byggde Lukas på en Hyuindai Genesis med James Bond tema. En aning ”cheesy” kan man säkert tycka, men när man ser den Koreanska klumpen ha rätt mycket av  en Aston Martins smickrande linjer så fastnar ögat för mer.

(Foto av Steffen Nilsen. Som alltid ligger Lukas i framkant med en kreativ och intressant monter där alla hans fans får precis det dom vill ha = autografer och ”idolkort”. Mysfarbrorn Kooz.)

En vital del i vår ”jury”SIRPIERRE.SE hade inför denna års mässan göra sig till en stöttepelare för att redan innan ha folket med sig när ”Genesis-gate” skakade om. Ni kan läsa mer om detta HÄR.

Med mässan förbi behövs dock inget kompisröstande för att inse att denna Casino Royale grey Korean hör hemma på listan, även om vi la märke till småsaker som att lacken måste våtslipas etc:

(Blod, svett, tårar och en massa spackel ligger bakom mässans enligt oss bästa ”styling-bil”. Foto av: Steffens Foto)

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#9 Ten of the best @ Elmia 2013: Lukas Koos Hyundai Genesis ”00Z Edition” from Superior Media on Vimeo.

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Följ gärna VÅR FACEBOOK där vi kommer lägga ut bilderna i ett album och den som får flest ”Likes” blir ”Superior peoples choice”.

Under morgondagen presenterar vi #7 på listan, ett ondskefullt cleant bygge + ett par intervjuer!

#10 Ten of the Best @ Elmia 2013: Volvo Amazon

Varje år har Superior på sin eventbevakning av Bilsport Performance and Custom Motorshow valt ut sina tio favoriter utställda på mässan.

Detta år hade BILSPORT verkligen satt ihop en utställning som i varje Hall höll otroligt hög kvalitet, och denna Volvo Amazon som mer liknar en gammal 50-tals jänkare var bara en av många extrema bilar i skick och utförande!

(Vi var aningen korta om foton på just denna, men några till kommer i början av nästa vecka. Foto: HENRIK OULIE)

Nytt för i år är att jag och min kära kollega SIRPIERRE.SE tar ett kort snack om varje bil, samt att våra filmgurus på plats David Johansson och Daniel Hovdahl bjuder på ögongodis med skarpa filmvinklar.

#10 Ten of the Best @ Elmia 2013: Volvo Amazon from Superior Media on Vimeo.

Vi vet att det är många som är nyfikna på vår lista och det tycker vi är smickrande.

Alla tio kommer radas upp på VÅR FACEBOOK, och den bil som får flest ”Likes” där vinner vårat ”Peoples  Choice – Superior Edition”.


Att se dessa gamla Amerikanare med stora bensinslukande V8or i fronten oavsett om det var muskelbilar eller familjebilar, stå häri nyskick trots att många av dom är gamla nog för att gå i pension, eller rättare sagt dom flesta är i bättre form och skick än

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dom någonsin varit eller varit menad att vara.. i denna stilla och härliga miljö som vem som helst kan känna sej hemma i. Är bara ren njutning. Något som jag själv brukar spara som en flyktzon när man bara är SÅ trött på allt annat och bara behöver en paus i slutet av sitt Elmiabesök. Lite som är gå i en konsthall/museum och bara njuta utav kontrasten ifrån dom andra hallarna. SUPERIOR MEDIA: BILSPORT PERFORMANCE & CUSTOM MOTOR SHOW 2013 – HALL C-D from Superior Media on Vimeo.

Bilsport performance & custom motor show 2013 Album 1

The cars here at Elmia never cease to suprise us, hotrods, low riders, driftars, stance cars, bikes, race cars, supercars and the list goes on… They even got a Tank! Every year enthusiasts and companies get together to do one helluva show and they’ve pretty much pulled it off this year too. Cars from all over scandinavia have been on display since friday and we have been swarming to cover it all.

This e30 caught our attention imedidatly, those trumpets sticking out of the engine bay are way cool and the build quality is insane, we can’t wait to see this finished!

The Caddy isn’t all that popular of a chassi when stock, but dump it, stick a 1jz in it, chop the box and dayuuuuuuum it looks good!!!

we found this beached civic in the disco zone, suppose you can’t bring your friends to the party tho…

s13’s never dissapoint when done right and this was no exception! Just check out the wild screamerpipe and a double barrel on the side!

You can’t do a carshow and not bring the skylines, they are timeless heroes and will forever be told about in the history books.

This R34 GTR is done perfectly, we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Johan Halvarsson displayed his car with a blown 2jz, 900nm did that…

There are allways those who push the limit, but sometimes you push a little too far…

Seidoworks GT86 was introduced with a 4 day old grey wrap and its looking damn good sitting on some nice XXR’s with BC racing coilovers.

This ultima was so orange, you just couldn’t miss it, these cars are mental machines and we love them for what they are.

So simple, yet so good! This 190e was fitted with e36 damper towers to fit more agressive suspension for less cash.

Fiesta’s are becoming more and more popular as the new ones are looking very good, we must admit and it probably helps that Ken Block drives one.

Who said this show was all about cars ? check this 1930’s racecar style boat!

This huuuuuge dodge was so clean it looked like new, but we thought trucks were ment to be muddy and abused?

Simple, fitted and clean. This is the recipe for a stanced daily.

Challenging statement, is the extreme customizing becoming a old style in the world of today?

Very clean accord, stance is taking sweden by storm!

i’ll end this post here with this superclean NSX shown on the oijoij stand.



I B-hallen grenar bilhobbyn ut mot renodlad Motorsport. Mötet blir en spännande mix helt i linje med Bilsports nya attityd att våga prova nytt.

Det bjöds på en rad spektakulära fordon, fulla av skaparglädje och för åskådaren trevliga överraskningar för ögat.



Superior Media fick en lätt uppgift att göra en spännande godispåse i videoformat för er att njuta av. Vår eventbevakning görs möjlig av följande partners:





Följ oss på Facebook för fler spännande uppdateringar kring våra Media & PR-tjänster:

För mediaprojekt skräddarsydda efter dina behov, finn och kontakta oss på:

BEHIND THE SCENES: Elmia, Bilsport performance & Custom motor show 2013

Elmia, Bilsport performance & Custom motor show 2013 has dawned on us all in the Media Crew, drivers and friends. Thursday was spent in a frenzy getting the stand set up the way we planned it and we made it just in time!
Our stand with both new cars and their hardcore and very detailed new livery.


The Superior Media will be busy all weekend bringing you fresh and hot material while the expo is still running and after! So keep an eye out.

Come visit us at Elmia, Bilsport performance & Custom motor show 2013 from Superior Media on Vimeo.



Come by the booth and say hi!


END OF THE YEAR GALLERY: Everything you needed to know about Superior Meet 2012 (100+ pics)

We like to do things our way here at Superior. And when it was time to sum up the year with one last little meet for our family and friends… we sure made no exception to that style.

Here comes a violently good gallery by several photographers, two of them established within the SUPERIOR SELECTED crew- and two extras who add even more meat to the package you’re about to see.

The concept of Superior Meet 2012 was to have fun and try out some things for further developing ideas for the future.

We were surprised by getting so many high profile guests for a ”test run”, and couldn’t ask for more when it comes to material our Filmmakers David Johansson and Daniel Hovdahl  got to work with now during winter…

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Martin F. Persson – BILBILDER.SE:

His pictures speak volumes already, but its been outside the track; and not in the pit area- but far beyond it that Martin has proven his worth to the SUPERIOR SELECTED group.

Despite getting married late in the summer and more or less being offline for the 2nd half of it; he made a fitting ”comeback” for this event. And these two handful of pictures are a good starting point for us:

(Begin with the end? How Noir! This is what the whole day ended with, metaphorically correct with ”one big bang” as six cars pushing the limits for several laps embraced the consequences with a laugh.)

(Did it rain? Sure did. And Norwegian Team RFS did not give a single f*ck that day.)

(Further proof that this might have been some extreme form of Rallycross before Drifting, and it was the most fun they’ve had in a good while.)

(Its been a long first season for the recently started SUPERIOR DRIFT gang, and ignition problems with the S14 while the S15 ended its day next to one big rock (!) might not have been the dream ending for the story- but we’ll fix that next year better then ever!)

(Wham! Bam! Splat! Oivind Oversveen in the house with his mad ”Mr. Burns” Supra!)

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We added a few guys to our pretty much organic group of contributors this year. And a guy I initially labeled as a ”prospect” grew faster then weed on a porch, and was suddenly delivering more high quality galleries then we could handle!

As a good friend of Daniel Hovdahl and invited drifter Kenneth Groth, he still haven’t gotten a ”home team discount”; the pictures are good enough to be called ”Selected” anyway.

(Things started out not so hot for the little MX-5 carrying Henrik and Daniel Hovdahl: Puncture! Who could have known ”stance” was impractical and dangerous?!)

(These Gulf livery S15’s belong to Christer Halvorsen, Torunn Hegge and Kim Skedsmo. They had one distinct advantage above the rest = Speed. Definately suited for both rallycross and competition Drifting.)

(Sweet pic of SUPERIOR DRIFT minus Daniel Asps S14, and a hella-bunch of familiar people.)

(DTE Systems which is the flag under Oversveen (Supra) and Steffen Rudsengen (LS1 S14) run under, left with cars that had more then just battle scars when the day was over…)

(Someone had the bright idea to try and drift the GoCart track nearby, and soon more followed. Cant wait to show you the video of that in winter…)

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(Certainly not very often anyone is able to capture a focused pick of a mad Mr. Burns Supra…)

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(Kenneth Groth deserved some kind of medal for the way he handled this season. One total wreck and new chassis within two weeks = you must watch the video below! Christer Halvorsen and Kim Skedsmo look on from the right.)

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GIR: Gutten i Røyken – ep.1 from Daniel Hovdahl on Vimeo.

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(Alvin Laegreid was one of the big contributors to this happening, bringing his buddies from Team RFS and others to the mix. Will just a ”great guy” statement say it all?)

(Superior S15 driver Thompa Pettersson brough his new girlfriend along, and also let her drive his car… … … its here somewhere on how that ended.)

(Two frozen filmmakers with Daniel Hovdahl (left) and David Johansson (right) checking out what to hunt with their lenses throughout the day. You bet your sweet ass they got a lot of good stuff filmed that day.)

(This is the day ”after” a lot of hard partying. We used the last bit of hangover energy to do this positive group photo…)

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A fellow from Superior Drivers Club and been around for a while since we imported a mint condition Subaru Legacy B4 RSK 2002 for him.

Has developed a nice eye through the year and we had to include his gallery here as well:

(On the track day part where a dozen or so cars took runs, there was a nice chunky part of Mazda RX-7’s present.)

(Our friends from NKM Racing Team were there too, but without any of their TIMEATTACK.NU cars. Instead bringing their ”second hand” track day racers. Lucky guys!)

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(Pretty dynamic pic, the boys from DTE Systems never seemed to go after anything else then full throttle = Holdt Stumt!)

(Superior Drift crew chief Thomas Wennerström drove his Toyota Soarer JZZ30 which has a lot of smart upgrades for a potent street drifter.)

(Kenneth Nornes of Team RFS brought his 2JZ-powered ER34 Skyline and was not afraid to use it despite such a for norway rare body to drift.)

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Henrik Lindqvist, Driver TIMEATTACK.NU:

For our last batch we go to a less experienced photographer, but who still captured some nice shots to describe our day in the rain.

Henrik usually drives in the TIMEATTACK.NU series with his Ford Fiesta ST, and jumped on the offer to finish the season with some practice. Enjoy:

(As mentioned Daniel Asp in the SUPERIOR DRIFT S14 had troubles, and also lost his signature orange filmed lights. Better or worse without them?)

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(Since you can’t hear the engine sound of this unique Superior Workshop Katrineholm RX-7 with 20B-REW tripple-rotary engine, I think owner Martin ”Gzon” Gustavssons choice of wheels will make you fall in love with this car: Yokohama Advan RS 19″)

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(The whole day ended with a Battle Royale that has not been seen before on Swedish ground. Video video video!)

(Håvard Nesbo also helped out filming and pretty sure he got very close to the action…)

(Can you imagine getting stuck like this? Alvin Laegreid sure could. And he was not alone, plenty of spectacular accidents and everyone had a blast testing the boundries in the rain.)

(Everyone was laughing at the guy trying to be a boss dressed in his winter-clothing. But at the end of the day… guess who was still farm and full of energy to direct the Battle Royale? 😉 )

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I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in this meet, from the norwegian drifters, media, track day people, crew who helped out and all your friends brought which seemed like genuine people.

Now we are ready to take the Superior-Blog to the next level, but that will mean some sacrifices. Follow OUR FACEBOOK (CLICK!) as we share rumors and fun facts. 2013 we are coming back stronger then ever…

GALLERY: This is how they Drift in Sweden – Bilsport Action Meet 2012 by Carl Kjellberg

As we try to put an event behind us swiftly with plenty of media released quickly; we have a treat for you from BILSPORT Action Meet 2012 tonight.

Nice and meaty gallery from SUPERIOR SELECTED Carl Kjellberg, depicting all the action from the drifting- and make sure to read the SUMMARY/RESULTS HERE too!

This event came in driving skill right on top of the list, but lacked a bit in the smooth and borderline luxury facilities/schedule that TIERP DRIFT CHALLENGE had put on a few weeks earlier.

One thing is for sure, with two such awe-inspiring events behind us; drifting has a sweet future ahead of us for 2013…

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(Start of with the final run? Why not! Daniel ”Limmet” Liimatainen in the 1-series finally got a podium finish but had little to put against Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson in the signature green widebody S15 sponsored by J-spec.)

(On his way to the final ”Hollywood” was relenentless and showed nobody any mercy, which is one thing I like about him- not giving any leanience to his opponents no matter their name. Rumor has it in fact, that Johan doesnt even like to practive more then ”just enough” in order to save up adrenaline and focus for his battles…)

(Speaking of determination and ”no-fear” attitude, Christian Halvorsen; almost a namesake of our Swedish star- showed that the only way to avoid getting ”smoked out” is to stick it right in the rear. Here being succesful vs Rockstars own Mikael Svensson.)

(At the same event, Halvorsen had his teammate Kim Skedsmo with him- but the #2 Gulf S15 was far from as fortunate as the other one…)

(Underdogs? We love underdogs! Here is one of them in Andreas Jansson, whose Bad ass parts S13 is always capable of beating the best and even placing really high in the ”Breisladd world championship”. It was not his day this time though.)

(Another underdog we felt sorry for, Andreas ”Mad Mange” Magnusson smashed his side at Tierp and was hungry to do a good result- but failures and a trip to the sandbox ended his day early.)

(Someone who used to be an underdog instead was faintly dissapointed with his performance here. Teemu Peltola from Black Smoke Racing got eliminated in the Top 8 and did not feel comfortable with the way the runs were flowing.)

(Luck ran out for our friends from Raidopower Motorsport when Tokan Bielkelöf got eliminated in a close ”OMT” vs the above Mercedes wagon. Seemed as a catalyst of bad luck as seeding was not to his favour, and he just lost out the regional champ due to this. We still got your back to push for the SPDS-series win Anders!)

(We end this blogpost with a nice widescreen picture of a widebody Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson, who is that good that he gets all the attention. We cant wait to beat him one day with the Superior Drift cars. 😉 ).

***PLEASE NOTE! Thumbnails do not work, but click them and violá you will be able to browse the full 20 pic gallery!***

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We would like to thank BILSPORT for their hospitality, and hope to have a ”general” gallery from the rest of the event too despite ”logistics” and focus on drifting keeping us scattered.

Check out this gallery on OUR FACEBOOK and go ”tag” yourself if you are one of these hardcore drifters!

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